Chapter 4: Introduction?!

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[Right after Mr. Stark left Peter's room]

Peter looked around.
His room hasn't changed in all those 3 years.
Everything was where he left it.
'Hmmm interesting. So this is your room?' he heard Ren say.
"Yep, this is my room here at the tower. I had another room where I spent most of my life. In my old apartment with Aunt May. But I don't know what happened to it. And yeah...I should shower."
Peter said answering Renegade's question. He opened his closet and took out some clothes. A random long sleeved shirt, some sweatpants, socks and underwear.
He doesn't want them to see ALL his scars. They would just see some 'little' scars on his hands, but nothing more.
He entered his bathroom, hung his clothes on a clothing rack and started to shower.
All the tension left his body and he relaxed.
He missed taking warm showers.
He could only clean himself with ice cold water for 3 whole years.
It feels unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.
Everything changed.
Everything is different now.
And he is beyond exhausted.
"Pete, we can switch if you want. You're really exhausted. I will eat for us and will introduce myself to the Avengers. I will talk with them about some things. Mostly about your condition. I want them to help you."
Peter thought for a bit, but nodded anyway and they switched. Ren finished showering and dressing as Peter fell asleep.
Even though Peter and Renegade are the same, they don't really seem same.
They are entirely different.
For example Peter doesn't really pay attention to his surroundings.
He's the sensitive one.
The one that most likely gets
sensory overloads and panic attacks.
Renegade pays attention to everything and everyone.
He's always looking out for threats. Always making sure that they're safe.
That's why he heard everything the Avengers where talking about.
He made his way to the Avengers when he heard the word Hydra.
He tensed for a moment before
masking his emotions.

"So you figured it out." Renegade said leaning on the doorway.
All eyes were on him.
"Who the hell are you? What did you do to my son?" Stark said, looking extremely serious and threatening.
Well everyone but him would be terrified right now. It seemed rather cute compared to him.
"Easy there Stark. I did nothing to him, I would never harm him. As to who I am..." he smirked.
He looked at everyone, but when his gaze landed on Rhodes he stopped. "...wait aren't you Rhodes? Or is it Uncle Rhodey?"
"How I...we never talked about it?" Rhodes stuttered looking shocked.
"Well Pete shared some stories with me. I'm surprised that no one really spoke to each other. I mean Stark over there saw Peter as his son, but never said anything or rather couldn't say anything, because he hadn't had the chance. His chance was taken from him. And yes I heard everything you talked about...
...back to what I wanted to say...
Peter on the other hand saw Stark as his father, just like he saw you as his uncle and Pepper...well he saw her as his mom.
You think of him as your nephew and Pepper thinks of him as her son, but you also didn't say anything.
You all acted like it, so it was easy to figure out.
But Pete thought that you wouldn't see him that way. He thought that Stark was the only one left that really cared for him. You all, excluding the Avengers, have to talk to Pete at some point...
For Peter's sake."
They looked baffled.
Not expecting what Renegade just said.
"...And I'm a part of Peter. My name is Renegade. Let's just say I'm like a big brother to him. If you want to I can explain certain things that Peter can't."
Stark and Rhodes nodded, while the Avengers just looked at what was unfolding in front of them.
Once they were seated again, Romanoff was the first one to ask.
"Why can you speak, but Peter can't?"
"As you already know Peter was kidnapped by none other than Hydra.
So you must be familiar with their line of work, actions, punishments and so on..." he said and looked at Barnes at the end, who looked at him wide eyed. "...Peter stopped counting all the experiments he's gone through when he reached 237. And he hasn't really counted his punishments, because he hated them more than the experiments. They thought that it would be a good idea to discipline or rather punish him, because he...screamed and spoke to much for their liking.
You have to take into account that there were 3 or rather 4 main projects and one side project.
The side project was their said punishment. They operated on him without any anaesthesia and implanted a device in his neck.
The device sends out chemicals that won't damage Peter, but ensure that he can't speak.
These chemicals were made especially for him.
They have adapted everything to HIM.
You see, it doesn't really directly affect me, because I'm not exactly like Peter.
The proofs are the changes.
For example my eyes.
But they're not the only things that changed...So yeah I can speak, but he can't and I want you to change that.
I know that Bruce Banner can assist and find someone else who is suited to help."
Stark and Rhodes looked like they were on the verge of a mental breakdown,
while the rest was silently shocked. Again.
"W-we have to help this child." Steve said breaking the silence.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Good. Any more questions or was it too much?"
"Could it be that Peter has DID, because of all the shit he's been trough and you are another personality or one of many?" Sam asked since he had some experience. "Well you are partially right. I am another personality.
The only other personality Peter got. But it has another cause.
I don't really want to talk about it right now, because...
It's because of a failed experiment no one talks about.
It's called Project: Zero."
Renegade said.
He was showing some emotions.
Hatred, but mostly directed to himself. Remorse. And so much more.
It only lasted for some seconds before his mask returned.
If you hadn't paid any attention you wouldn't have noticed it.
The only ones that noticed it were Barnes, Barton and Romanoff.
He looked at them before his attention turned to a slightly more calm Stark, until Barton asked his question.
"Wait...what did Peter mean with the whole age thing?"
Stark and Rhodes looked at each other.
Shocked realisation hit them full force.
'Why haven't we noticed it sooner? We...He hasn't changed at all in all those years.' they thought.
"I think that was enough Angst for today. I will answer that question some other time.
Can you give me the promised food now, Stark? We haven't eaten in a while and have an enchanted metabolism.
It's my duty to keep Peter healthy while he rests." Renegade said. "Yeah...y-yeah I can do that, just wait a sec I'll get it." Tony said. He snapped out of whatever he was in, because his son and Renegade needed him right now.
He returned with a big plate full of delicious food.
"Well that looks good." Renegade said before he dug in and inhaled the food like someone was just going to take it away.

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