1. Intro

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This book is an omegaverse book if you don't know what the omegaverse is here are the basics

There are three second genders

Alphas- they are the highest standing of the three genders about 27% of population. normally male but can be female ( super rare ) the alpha have a rut ( super Horny time) every six months ( or when around an omega in heat) where they need to mate or else it's painful. They have a knot (inflate able ball around the base of there penis that locks them to mate)they can also produce pheromones that can ether calm scare or even send an omega into heat .

Betas- normal people about 54% of population

Omegas- about 19% of population. Omegas have a heat week where the crave to be knotted by an alpha and can get pregnant easier. They have scent glans on there lower neck that if bitten by an alpha is mated for life by that alpha . Omegas are normally girls but can be male . They produce pheromones based on feelings.

That's the basics

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