chapter 2

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Greg's pov

There's no point in living anymore no one loves me and my dad hits me with a belt on my no no square. I am useless and sad and molested by a family member named Kenny. I am so depresson and I am morbidly obese from all my surgery's I am a garbage individual. If Rodrick scrambles my insides like eggs I will be forever at peace in my shallow grave in a jail cell somewhere in mattaschuatans.

Rodrick pov

Lil bitch with a big pp drowned in a family boating accident yesterday his funeral is in 4 days and I play on stealing his body and making him a taxadermy sex utensil. He is my daddy my dominate kink slapper he gets abused by a family friend named Rowan. Yesterday I ate Manny.

Rodrick 1 day later

Rrrr rrrrr rararaeae im a werewolf rararaaeaeararr. Rarrr XD. I am currently riding myself like no tomorrow and it's a religious experience.

Greg's p.o.v

Rodrick turned me into a sex utensil

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