the last week of january

16 2 0

it's just in my head

he says

how can a noise,

a fear 

that reverberates and echoes and plays

with my body 

 be just in my head

as is said

my body is on edge,

whoever is listening,

as if some kind of predator 

is about to strike 

if its all in my head,

there's nothing waiting to strike?

...nothing crouched? 

nothing poised to pounce

what does that say about me?

it's like everything nowadays

has the power to tiptoe up to me 

(and does so),

leans over my shoulder,

pulls back my hair,

and whispers in my ear

you're not well

so i scan and judge and evaluate

in search of truth

until i unearth too much

(or create too much)

and everything doesn't seem well 

it's in my head.

it's in my head.

it's in my head.

this is the kind of nmbing ache 

that pushes against a walking man

until he decides pausing would be nice.

the push grows.

he simply must sit. 

until he lies down in defeat.

i am slumped on the ground,


much too pressed again. 

                           - i am well. i am well. i am well. 

rubyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora