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call me optimistic,
or maybe hopeless is a better word.
but i am rare.
i'd like to think so.
i carry insights deep within my bones
that could keep a person up to sunrises they would normally sleep through,
i do laugh at my own jokes
(you decide whether that's a plus or a flaw
((it's a plus))
and when i dance, i float,
i hold the power to freeze time in all of its continuum
simply to move
and move without a care.
i mold words to my liking,
to what i need them to be.
i shape so much more than them through my writing,
and i don't ever plan on giving up this self-ascribed profession of potter.
i know a thousand little things about myself
that i have fallen in love with.
its stereotypical and maybe a bit unhealthy,
but i watch movies about idealistic love when i'm so sad words can't capture it
and i clean while listening to fall out boy when i'm stressed.
i jump from project to project,
i am a bit of a conspiracy theorist,
i am a sucker for gelato,
and i would rather keep you in my life if it benefits you even if it costs me a little bit of displeasure in my life. i would rather experience that than cast out somebody who might need a home for the night.
i have learned nothing can or will or should ever change that.
that is at the heart of who i am.
thank you,
i have learned there's no need to wait for someone to be fascinated by me,
i have my hands full with things to learn about myself,
and i wholeheartedly believe someone will come along one day and place their arms under mine, helping me carry the weight of it all,
they will realize and affirm and uphold that i was doing fine in the first place.
i. have. so. much. to. offer.
so much to tell,
i will give you chills and break your heart and make you dance and pose questions and i plan on never entering someone's life without affecting it for the better.
that's a promise.
so if you have decided you have gotten everything there is to glean and learn and obtain and steal from me.
that is your choice.
politely yet assuredly,
i do think regret will choose to comment on that if you embrace that decision.
i will keep on giving,
i will never stop letting myself be shaped,
and over time,
i will attract everyone i am meant to.
people do and will love me past you,
i am sure of it.

- with or without you.

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