people watching

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sincerest and simplest of thank yous to the people 

who took me out of myself today.

a lazy sunday where the sun warms your skin just enough

that your edge of your lips curl upward in a content founded in a forgetting of chaos

because how could anything be wrong

for the two boys filled to the brim with competition,

learning so much more from their father or grandpa or guardian

than just how to fish. 

the mundanity was so pure that i had no shame in outrightly watching and staring 

as the younger boy kept catching more and more fish,

maybe the size of an impressive pebble

while the older caught nothing. 

the older gave in to an amusing sense of frustration while the man lined up the two boys regardless of their prize to cement the memories of that day. 

and then there was the couple to my left

call it what you will,

a bubble or simply unawareness

but the way they let their bodies mesh together?

they owned the park, their nonchalance and enamor with each other owned the park,

and everybody knew it. 

kids and parents and elders were staring,

perhaps a tinge of judgement unrightly making itself at home in their glances. 

but the disapproval was laughable in comparison to what they had. 

me? i was beaming,

how could i ever find it my place to condemn what i do not have? the reactions of others were a critique to society,

and the couple knew it. they actually reveled in it.

and there was the girl with courage far past her years,

mustering up the strength to go down that formidable hill in roller blades


everybody watched

(personally, i had certain numbers on speed dial. the er being the first one, and possibly the hotline for afv being the second) 

her knees wobbling were visible from hundreds of yards away,

and i do think the look of concern painted on her mother's face

influenced the girl far more than she would have liked. 

but with grace and humility, 

the girl reached her hands out,

willing to admit the need for help even when everyone was watching.


don't ever tell me people watching is just a hobby or something to pass the time. cement memories. critique is not always equal to change. and asking for help can be just as wild and beautiful as adventure. 

rubyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя