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i'm not the one getting the short end.

i am irreplaceable and quite aware of the fact.

now that i am done fighting

and your passivity won,

i don't know if i will ever lift another emotional finger for you again.

the regret will seep into your soul with time,

and mark my words,

i will be long gone by then. 

this is truly the biggest mistake of your life. 

let march 28th, 2020

be the day that you undid my heart

and in doing so, 

undid your future. 


up to this point, 

i could truthfully say

i am heartbroken

but not due to a particular party.

as of this morning,

my heart has willfully been broken by the man i entrusted it to.

and the severity?

i am broken to the point

i have no intention of ever recollecting myself and finding the pieces

and feeling whole again.

to do so would hurt more than the dull quiet i feel at night. 

never again. 

never again. 

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