
15 2 0

it takes a determined person
to work for what they want,
get it,
and leave.
but it takes a good person,
a distinguished one,
to get what they want
yet choose to stay afterwards to see what else comes.


how could i lose myself in all of this
when i'm the only one
that gets myself through those relentless 1 ams,
now 2,
3 is no longer abnormal.
riddled with hauntings
of what should have been.


i think i have to turn you into a monster, love.
for without that label,
all i am is a woman
who could not keep a good man.


if you cannot respect me as a human,
how could you ever keep me as a love?


if you knew how close i came to reentering your life on friday,
i had it all typed out,
but i realized
and internalized
and mumbled
and reminded
i cannot selfishly reach out only when i need you.
i will most certainly feel the aftereffects of your absence,
after all,
it is a need.
how many times have you told yourself no just to save me?
the thought makes me shudder
and i apologize.
i should have to endure the exposure to your progress in order to witness the comfort of your presence.
i am simply a desperate yet composed addict
longing to be appeased
thank you for choosing to be the bigger man in all the moments i do not see or know of.

- i just want to cave.

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