With This Vow

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The captain has locked himself in his office once again, but this time he has a different intent on his hands.

"Well, this is it." Captain Tran says to himself as he opens a locked drawer containing an item he thought he would never use. The dark blue velvet sporting some dust, but nothing he can't brush and blow off as he slowly and gently opens the box containing the oath ring, a silver ring with an intricate pattern and a heart shaped gem that accents the whole thing. "I may not be around for long, but I will at least show her just how much I cherish the memories I've made with her, and just how much I love her as a person." And with that he carefully slips this into a hidden pocket in his jacket. When he's finally ready and decided on the moment he'll present he slowly heads out, noticing that the sun hasn't risen yet, and he heads out to the common room where unsurprisingly Yorktown is waiting.

"Ah, just in time captain." Yorktown giggles as she and the captain watch the sunrise, but as they do so, Yorktown can't help but notice that the captain is fidgeting somewhat. She brushes this aside as the sun completely rises and the day goes about like normal, with the captain checking at his office for any documents that may have been placed there before hanging out with the other girls. It's here that the captain sneaks certain information to the other girls, especially Enterprise and Hornet, without Yorktown knowing.

"Be at the docks before sunset. I have something planned out." Were the captain's exact words. From there the rest of the day continues as normal as the girls mentally prepare themselves for what they're about to witness, and the day seems to drag on until around evening, when the sun is just starting to set, and the captain heads outside to the docks while the other girls hang out in the common room, doing their best to act normal and not make Yorktown suspicious as she walks out to the docks to join the captain. Once they're sure she won't look back the girls slowly and quietly head outside, waiting just around the doors so they don't draw attention.

"This sunset is certainly more beautiful than usual, isn't it?" Captain Tran asks Yorktown as the two watch the sunset.

"Yes it is." Yorktown replies.

"But not as beautiful as you are." Captain Tran chuckles, making Yorktown blush. "And you know... I really want to prove that to you."

"Hm?" Yorktown asks, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well... I'll show you." Captain Tran replies as he slowly fishes out the fated box from his hidden pocket and Yorktown immediately recognizes it as her hands cover her mouth.

"You couldn't possibly!" Yorktown says.

"I've spent so much time with you." Captain Tran begins. "We've been through thick and thin, you've seen me at my worst and at my best, and our bond is certainly one of a kind. I may not be around for long, but I just want you to know that I've always loved you. I wasn't really sure how to put it back then, but I finally found that way."

"Captain..." Yorktown trails off, tears welling up.

"Yorktown, I'd like you to have this." Captain Tran says. "I'll always cherish these moments we share together and I'll be holding onto these beautiful memories well into retirement. I just hope you can accept this ring."

"Of course." Yorktown says as the captain slowly takes out the ring and slips it on Yorktown's ring finger. She takes a few seconds to admire it, giving the captain enough time to set the box down before Yorktown immediately throws her arms around the commander, catching him in a tight embrace, tears of joy flowing as the captain returns the embrace and the girls applaud and whistle, happy for the two of them. "Thank you so much captain!"

"You're always welcome." Captain Tran replies.

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