Chapter 2 hellfire

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I opened my eyes to see a vast landscape of fire and dark colors to my right. And to my left I saw a large city with a pentagram over it.

"Oh shi-.. did I die and go to hell!" I yelled to nobody in particular. I went to run my fingers though my hair to only find large fox like ears and brown curling ram horns. I then noticed I had a long tail with sandy brown tan feathers with white dots. I also noticed my attire changed as well. Instead of wearing my soldier gear I was wearing a dark brown hoodie with a gear symbol as a design. I felt something curl around my body only to realized it was a set of wings in the same color scheme as my tail feathers.

"Well great I died and went to hell fuckin amazing..." I mumbled while putting my green goggles on my head which now had a red tint to the glasses. I got up and dusted myself off and started to hitch hike to the city in the distance.

I walked along the choncreate sidewalk aimlessly while avoiding demons. While walking I had the misfortune to bump into a guy when I tripped over his tail when hiding in an alleyway. He was a crocodile demon, his eyes were squished slightly under his heavy brow. "Hey you seem new here are you lost?" He asked his voice oddly friendly for somebody damned to hell for all eternity.

"Uhhh... yea.. do you know the best place to get a job or at least stay at?" I replied my ear twitching anxiously while getting ready to run if I needed to. "Well theirs always the happy hotel. It opened up a while ago and the owner was on the news. The princess, Charlie, owns it- here it's best if I show you." He explained his mangled teeth curving upwards into a smile before he took out his phone and played the news that dated to about a week ago.

I watched as the princess of hell tried and failed to get demons interested in her redemption project compleat with a song. The Crocadile ended the video and put his phone back into his hoodie pocket. "My names Craig by the way pleasure to meet you..." he say before trailing off giving me the cue to speak

"I'm dust creek but my friends call me dusty" I said before holding my paw out to shake. "Well nice to meet ya dusty, say you don't have any weapons do ya?" He asked his tone altering ever so slightly that I barely caught on. He reached out and grabbed my paw tightly in an iron grip. I shook my head while trying to pry my paw away from him.

"Well I have some weapons I could give you for a fee" he said before barking out a laugh that sounded like more of a snarl. "Look dude I don't have any money so just let me go ok!" I said panicky slightly my wings frantically flapping at odd intervals while I tried to escape.

"Oh no, I don't want money.. you see I'm in the body part sellin business and those look like a mighty fine pair of wings you got there." He said grinning before using his free hand to grab what looked like a normal poker chip at first glance but when he pressed the middle multiple sharp teeth like blades came out from the side.

I startled to hyperventilate at that point my vision darkening around the edges before I realized that my other paw was free. Frantic to escape, I grabbed the poker shuriken from him and in one quick motion I sliced his neck where his jugular is. Blood sprayed onto me slightly but mainly ran down his neck. He backed up releasing my paw in the process trying to somehow stop the blood from leaking.

He stumbled backward and slid down the brick of the dark ally way while I watched in shock as he died. After I confirmed her was dead with a poke in the arm I quickly swiped his stuff. I got his phone, 1,500 dollars, a whole stack of the poker chip shurikens, and a tiny dagger.

I sighed before I walked out of the alleyway, hopping to find somewhere good to stay. I eventually resided at a bed and bar called the snuggly duckling. I quickly payed for my stay and went to fix my bloodied up outfit. After I was done I went back downstairs to ask the bartender if she knew where I could get a job.

"The closest job is here. Can you sing?" She asked before handing me the whiskey I ordered. "Yea I was forced to be in choir because when I was in school they ditched the art department because of funding and kids needed and elective to get into collage and they automatically assume every kid wants to get into collage or else they are aparently a failure to society." I said bitterly while swirling around my alcohol slightly before siping it.

"Alright your hired plus workers get free alcohol as an added bonus. Your first gig is tomorrow at 8:00 pm don't be late because one of our guests is the princess of hell herself." The bartender said while wiping down the counter after waking up a demon who passed out and was drooling all over it.

I bid the bartender farewell before walking upstairs to my room and fiddling with the poker chip weponds. With nothing better to do I flung one at the wall and it stuck. I walked up and unstuck it before putting them in hoodie pocket with the rest of my belongings but held onto the dagger Incase someone broke in.

'Maybe I could get a job at the happy hotel.. I mean craig did say that she ran it and needed help with it.... after my singing gig I'll ask her I can join.' Was my last thoughts before I drifted off to sleep.

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