Chapter 11 confrontation

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I sat up in my uncomfortable cot and swung myself over so that my pawed feet were on the cold tile. I stared at the checkered pattern before I realized all of the alcohol me and Husk drank was gone and cleaned up. 'Huh nifty or Baxter must have seen em and cleaned it up for us, I hope it was nifty because I don't want science geek to come after my probably damaged liver.' I thought shivering slightly before getting up.

I used my cot as support as I stood up and eventually I got up despite my wicked hangover. I managed to reach the door frame of the lab before "what the hell are you doing up!"I heard a voice call from behind me accompanying a smash of what sounded like glass. 'Damn it-' I turned around less than amused as he scurried over to me with a-

'Oh hell no, fuck that.'

He walked over to me with a wooden cane.. I sighed before glaring "you do realize I'm not a old lady right?" I said annoyed "yes but until your wound is healed you need this so you don't tear the stitching" he said before putting the cane in my claws and hurrying off now that he gave me a viable weapon to possibly beat his ass with.

"Fuck you nemo..." I growled while using the cane to walk out of the room. Eventually I reached the main lobby open witch I was treated with a bone crushing hug and a now slightly stinging side "OMG DUSTY IM SO Sorrry I didn't mean for your to get hurt and I won't go to turf wars again so please don't-"

"Angel I appreciate your concern but I need oxygen and if you don't let me go within the next five seconds I will beat you over the head with this cane geeky Nemo so happily provided" I said wheezing in breath "that means let her go darlin" I heard alestors voice ring out behind me. I was carefully set onto the floor wheezing a bit. "Thanks alestor." I said readjusting the grip on the cane "no problem dear I'm just glad that your ok! I'm pretty sure we all are!" Alestor said with his signature grin

I was about to say something before I was tackled into a hug by two people. Nifty. And Charlie which was then acopanyed by a stammer of worried speech ending with "I'm just glad your ok!" "Guys I cant breath and I'm not trying to almost die a second time so please get off." I said still wheezing slightly 'I'm wheezing a lot I think I may have asthma..' I thought while getting up. Again.

I walked over to the bar and sat down "what's up Husk?" I said "nothing much. Feeling better?" He responded to which I nodded before I got a glass of whisky and started to drink it. I heard somebody sit next to me.

I glance over mid swallow and almost spit out my drink in shock. Sitting next to me was Stacy duke the queen of bitchington herself. And boy did she look different. She was a tall rabbit demon with black and neon blue colored hair. She was wearing a light blue tank top and blue too short jeans

"Oh hi dusty didn't expect to see you here huh?" She said oddly preppy. I wasn't buying into he shit but I decided to be polite just because if she turned into the lying snake she was I could beat her with my cane. "N-no not really to be honest you kinda caught me off guard didn't expect you to be down here..." I said lying knowing she would be in hell for what she did when she was alive. "Well I guess I was to pretty for heaven" she said sighing dramatically. I snickered as husk rolled his eyes at her attitude

"Either get something or get out" he said slight pissed off. "Geez I didn't know they allowed grumpy geezers in here..." Stacey mumbled. I gritted my teeth as I resisted the urge to hit her with my chair "oh I'm sorry royal highness of having her head stuck in her ass I don't give a shit so like I said get something or get. Out." Husk said in a sweet voice before growling slightly as his wings fluffed up in anger. I went back to my drink to keep myself from making a snarky comment about Stacy plastic surgery face and how it resembled a Barbie I burned when I was 5

Then she said something she probably shouldn't have said.

"You know dusty you shouldn't have left jake he's really ticked off that you left him i mean he took you away from your shitty grandfather" she said in an entitled tone "wanna run my by that again bitch." I yelled my voice attracting the attention Charlie vaggie nifty alestor and angel dust.

"All I'm saying is is that he was the only shot you had at a real boyfriend because nobody would accept you for who you are hell even your grandfather couldn't accept you so he shot him self" she said her voice flowing like honey. I clutched onto my glass so hard it shattered in my palm the bits of glass impeding themself into my paw.

"Listen here you 3.0 average gpa freak I don't give a single fuck about that wore-bag because he banged more woman than Nathan pike so how about you shut the fuck up before I take my cane and shove it so far up your ass your mouth will have a coat rack" I snarled my anger getting the better of me as I stood up to her hight.

"YAS TEAR THAt BITCHES THROAT OUT!" I heard angel yell before he was silenced by vaggie. "Oh really you can't talk about how fuckable he is the only thing you probably fucked was a chainsaw because you were put in a psycho facility" she snarked back. I took a step back my eyes widening my wings dropping slightly now shock "how in fucks name to you know that..." I said my eyes narrowing and my fur stood on end.

"I have my resources. Also here's for what you did to jake." She said "about what I did to ja-" My question was cut off by a punch to my mouth. I felt blood run into my mouth.

everyone grew silent and husk looked like she was about to tear that bitch limb from limb. too bad I beat him to it. I spat out a tooth before throwing a right hook to the throat. She doubled over in pain wheezing trying to regain her breath.

She tried to rush me and ended up getting behind be and threw me off balance by grabbing my horns and pulling me backwards.  I gritted my teeth as I felt some of my stitches pop. Baxter is so gonna yell at me later.

I stomped her foot and got away before grabbing my cane Baxter gave me and hitting her with it. To both of our surprises it broke in half like a twig. She grabbed the broken cane and threw it aside.

In the corner of my eye vaggie and angel dust were being held back by alestors magic to keep them from interfering. The only thing is he didn't hold husk back. before i knew it something grey white and red tackled Stacy to the ground. I rushed forward trying to help subdue her but ended up getting clawed pretty bad in the eye.

Me and husk shared a glance before we each grabbed an arm and flew her up to the rafters of the hotels lobby. I gritted my teeth as I felt the last of my stitching pop and felt the blood deep into my freshly washed hoodie but soon didn't care. We both let go at the same time and dropped her onto a support beam before giving each other a fistbump.

"You- you bitches you can't leave me up hear!" She screamed clinging onto the beam for dear life. "You right I can't, but I can do this" I picked her up again digging my claws into her shoulders "have a nice flight bon voyage!" I said throwing her out of the window near the ceiling watching her go flying and eventually landing on a pile of horse manure.

"Heh, serves her right she's a sack of shit anyway why not be with her own kind" angel said while watching her struggle to get out of the horse shit before slipping and falling face first into it. Me and husk flew back down laughing with angel. "Jesus I knew you had a temper but I didn't know it ran that deep" Charlie said shocked.

"Eh my motto is talk shit get hit and who would I be if I didn't deliver on it" said snickering. I heard the door slam open as Baxter walked in watching his notes before he looked up and saw something on my shirt "DUSTY WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT POPING YOU STITCHES! MY LAB! NOW!" He yelled pushing me into the direction of the lab as I eyed my bloody hoodie "I be back later nerd fish need me." I said "I HEARD THAT AND WHAT DID I SAY ABOUR USING THE CANE I GAVE YOU! COME ON I DONT HAVE ALL DAY MOVE IT! WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT GLASS COME FROM AND WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FUCKING EYE!? He screeched like a whiney neurotic five year old. While I heard everybody laughing in the lobby

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