Chapter 12 reflection

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(Stacys POV)
I snarled as I dusted myself off and stumbled out of the horse shit. I made my way back to the hotel grumbling curses and profanitys before I swung the door open. "JESUS CHRIST IT SMELLS LIKE SOMTHING DIED IN HERE!" I looked over to see angel dust the spider putting all four of his hands over his nonexistent nose "you don't even have a nose how can you smell it?!" Vaggie yelled confused.

I let out another snarl of anger before going upstairs to my hotel room to get clean. I took off my dirty horse shit clothes and put them in the trash before walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower head. "I can't believe I give her good advice and she completely ignores it" I yelled to myself while aggressively scrubbing my hair with shampoo and water.

"Like I try to warn her that Blake's not happy with her choices but instead of thanking me she throws me out a FUCKING window!" I yelled again before turning off the shower head and wrapping a towel around myself. I stop short of walking out of the bathroom before looking in the mirror.

My ears twitched as I finallay got a good look at myself in the mirror since I came to the literal hell hole. I took notice of my oddly bunny like appearance. I had long ears with dark grey almost black fur and short neon blue hair with white tips. My eyes were a mix between gray and violet. I sighed before finally leaving the warmth of my bathroom to the cold outside of my bedroom.

I walked over before putting on some knee high jeans and a tank top before grabbing my phone and sitting down on my bed. I strolled through hell gram before I saw a post about toxic people. Curious with nothing to do I clicked on it.

I small mouse demon appeared on screen and started to talk about warning signs of toxic people. As I listened though it I realized how much of an asshole I was. "The number one sign of toxicity in a person is how they portray their speaking. Use this poem to help remember"

"If they are calm and polite they are alright but if the are snarky and rude then stay away dude!" I groaned at the mouses terrible poem before something hit me like a brick. "Holy shit-" I recalled back to how I treated dusty back in high school and even now... I haven't changed at all. "I need to apologize maybe try to repair things between us or at the very least get on better speaking terms... Hmm."

Wait- maybe Charlie can help me. She's the nicest person i know maybe she can have me some pointers on how to fix my aditude! I quickly grabbed my beanie from my desk and ran down the stairs skipping a few steps and almost crashing into the person I was looking for. "Whoa where's the fire!" Charlie said before staring at me slightly concerned. "I need some help!" I said tapping my rabbit foot anxiously

"Sure what do you need? I'm sure nifty can help you with room cleaning or service!" She said happily "no it's- it's not something about my room it- well you see it's- ugh! Just follow me!" I said stumbling over my words trying to tell her what I need. Finally I just resorted to grabbing her wrist gently and dragging her to a quiet place in the hotel

"Ok so I need help to become a better person and your the only person I know that can help!" I said rushed my tail twitching slightly. "Woah- wait- you need my help?" She asked slightly startled before I nodded. "Sure I'll help first we need to identify the issue and go from there. Mind if I go get a friend of mine? He's trained in physiology and may be able to help you better than I can." She suggested. I agreed before sitting down on the nearby couch and waited for her to get her friend.

"I hope this friend can help me... god I can't believe I was such an asshole for so long without knowing..." I mumbled while taking off my beanie and running my paws though my dual colored hair

(Baxter's POV)
'Almost done with the sodium chloride solution all I need is to add a dash of sodium for it to be finished and we will finally have more tablesalt!' I thought before laughing maniacally to myself and getting ready to add in the sodium carefully or else this could blow up in my face- again.

I grabbed the sodium beaker carefully before getting ready to pour it until... the lab door swung in revealing a out of breath Charlie. I accidentally dropped the beaker and it shattered on the floor. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU HEATHENS ABOUT KNOCKING!" I snarled tearing off my goggles and glaring at Charlie. "Need... help... your only therapist.... can't feelings... ugh I need to run more..." Charlie wheezed out.

"What." I said confused but still mildly annoyed. "I need your help because a resident needs help trying to be a better person but is struggling and your the only certified theirapist around here." She repeated before fixing her bent posture.

"Can't it wait? We're out of salt and I was making more before you rudely barged in." I said venom lacing my voice. "Not really..." she mumbled looking off to the side finding broken bits off alcohol bottles suddenly interesting. "Look, I don't have time to play therapist right now I'm being a scientist and- HEY DONT TOUCH THAT!" I explained before yelling as Charlie inched towards the broken bottles.

"Why?" She asked confused. "Im running a dna scan to see who's they are and I can't have your grimy fingers contaminating it!" I snarled becoming increasingly more annoyed. "How about a deal- I'll find out who the bottles belong to and get you a new beaker IF, you help me with this one simple task." Charlie said with athorative tone.

"Alright fine! But it's not simple because emotions stem from the limbic system  and depending on life experiences it can change using the hippocampus, neocortex, and amygdala as a guide..." I mumble still annoyed that I wasn't able to finish my experiment.

"Yea yea science and stuff. Let's go!" Charlie yelled before grabbing my wrist and literally dragging my to my supposed patient.

'This is gonna be a long day...' I though annoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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