Chapter 6 lazer pointer

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"Angel stop pointing that in our eyes!" Vaggie yelled as Angel dust had a laser pointer in one of his four hands. Said slutty spider demon was pointing the laser in alestors eyes seeing how he'd react. Alestor didn't even blink.

"Yea! If I don't go blind from the laser pointer I may go blind from seeing your slutty ass in the hallway every day!" I heard husk yell probably drunk or getting drunk behind the counter. "Oh really you want to talk about going blind with me honey?" Angel said offended About to say some sex joke and offending comment or a racial joke. Honestly it's a gamble. a devil like smirk curved his face.

Angel then proceeded to point the laser pointer at the bar table me and husk were sitting in front of the alcoholic cat. "I'm not falling for that!" Husk said pissed off before losing all sense of rationality and lunging strait at the red dot. I had to duck as he used his wings to fly over my head to get to the dot when Angel moved it. Husk let out an oddly cat-like growl as he pounced on the dot.

I nearly managed to contain my laughter as Angel dust pointed the dot everywhere on the floor as he desperately tried to catch it. He pointed the dot at the wall leading husk to open his wings and propel himself toward the dot before smashing face first into the wall. I doubled over laughing my head off at the events before I looked up to make sure husk was ok.

Angel dust noticed my worried gaze and got an idea. He took the laser pointer and put the red dot in the middle of my forehead. Husk saw the dot and flew open his wings again shooting in a Strait line to the dot shaped literal target on my forehead. "God damn it angel..." I said before getting football tackled to the floor by husk who was trying to get the red dot on my head pawing at the red circle purring slightly. I let out a small snort of laughter at this before playfully pushing husk off of me and unfurling my wing and shooting into the sky and landing on one of the many support beams.

Angel saw my escape attempt and pointed to dot at me before husk followed the dot. I smirked as me and husk flew around the hotel rafters as Angel, vaggie, alestor, and niffty stared at our display with looks of obvious laughter and shock. Finally angel turned off the laser and    Husk flew strait into me on accident. We spun around each other with husk looking slightly mad but also blushing a bit while I laughed at the entire ordeal.

Finally we both dove down and touched down on the carpet and proceeded to go to the bar to get drunk.

As we walked off I though I heard alestor mic mumble to its owner  "they are so obvious just get together already" alestor nodded in agreement to the disembodied voice from the piece of sound equipment.

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