Chapter 4 welcome to the hazbin hotel!

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I yawned getting up before realizing I wasn't in the car anymore but was instead inside my tent. Confused I walked outside only to find a dark void. I saw a small beam of light shine in the darkness. I made my way towards it before I hovered my hand over the doornob hearing voices inside.

Deciding to eves drop I crouched and put my ear to the door and listened

"You made her leave you peice of shit! You did this! And now you'll pay.." I instantly recodnizef the voice before I heard it snarl. Not wanting to hear the rest I ran from the door. Sprinting into the darkness without a clue where I was going. I saw another door this time I was weary of it cautiously approaching it. Just before I got withing 5 feet of the door it swung open nearly tearing off its hinges in the process.

In the doorway stood my mother with a light brown suitcase. I always hated that suitcase because it was only taken out when she would leave for extended periods on end. "Mommy where are you going?" I saw a 7 year old version of myself ask. I was holding a small wooden bird that my grandfather made

The figure I called my mother turned around crouched down and gently hugged my younger self "don't worry I'll come back as soon as I can I promise and I'll take you with me next time! Away from here and away from him" she said cupping younger me's cheek in her hand before kissing my forehead and getting up.

But she never did. She never came back for me. She left me to rot in that hell hole for 11 years before the incident happend that sent me down here in the first place.

I felt tears streaming down my face. I went to back away from what I was seeing but felt no floor below me. Unable to rebalance I fell backwards. I fell for a ways before seeing concrete below me getting closer and closer until-

"Gah!" I woke up with a start with Charlie and vaggie looking at me worried. " sorry if I disturbed you" I said getting up from the leather seats of the car and letting the rest of the hazbin crew inside.

The cat demon who I found out is named just looked at me with concern before walking in.

After everybody got inside I went up and got my room key from husk. He still looked worried but didn't say anything. I walked up the stairs and eventually got to my floor "180, 180, 180" I mumbled trying to find my room before getting to my room unlocking the door and sitting down on the bed yawning.

' god I hate my nightmares I wonder why husk was looking at me like that though..' I shrugged it off as him being confused before putting the 1,000 dollars I had left the poker shurikins and the dagger in the bedside table. I then walked out of my room down the stairs and to a bar I saw earlier 'why do they have a bar if it's supposed to rehabilitate? Maybe to prevent withdrawal from being too bad..' I thought before sitting on the stool only to find husk as the bartender

"What do ya want?" He asked his tone slightly annoyed "I'll have whiskey please" I said. He gave me a slightly shocked look before pouring my a glass and giving it to me.

I downed it in a single swallow making husk even more shocked than before.

"So uh I saw how worried you were in the car when ya woke up.. you ok?" He asked while pouring me another glass of whiskey . "Eh it was just a nightmare nothing I'm not used to by now." Said before thanking him and drinking the alcoholic drink more slowly

"So uh odd question but what did you get up to when you were alive?" He asked "oh well," I started before putting my drink down "I was an inventor. One of my machines exploded and killed me" I said before finishing my sentence felling guilty that I was lying to his face. 'No you have to keep it to yourself, the only other person who knows is Charlie and vaggie when they asked about when I died' I thought

(Flashback to 2 hours ago)

"So um dust how did you die?" Vaggie asked. I stiffened slightly " I'll tell you but you have to promise to not tell anybody else or I will Hang you from the ceiling by you ankles!" I snarled my ears folding back before I took a breath of air to calm myself down and prepare " I was an inventor for the war I was in. One night there was a unexpected raid and I was killed in it" I said grimly before hugging myself tightly with both my arms and wings felling the painful memories of my war life resurface with a vengeance

"Oh no.. dusty.." Charlie said before hugging me leaving a stunned vaggie

(End flashback)

I took another swig of my drinking not realizing I took my googles off before paying husk with the money I earned from my night singing and started to walk to the stair case

"hey dusty!" Husk called.

I turned around "um if it makes a difference I thought your singing was nice" he said blushing lightly while rubbing the back of his neck "thanks husk that means a lot to me" I said while blushing a dark hue of red and finally pulling the stairs door open and walking up to my room flopping down on my bed and falling asleep.
This took a while sorry hope you enjoy the book so far!

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