Discrimination (Huey x disabled reader) [original]

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Hi Friends! This is an original story! So, this story takes place after a junior woodchucks meeting, and everyone is making fun/discriminating you, because you don't act or look like a normal junior woodchuck. You do things differently than everybody else, and  Huey,(your best friend/crush) doesn't like that you're being treated like that, can Huey help you?

"Haha! You can't do anything right!" One of the junior woodchucks yell at you while pointing vigourously at you, you'd had enough of being treated like the odd one out, so you finally stood up for yourself! "Hey! Stop! That's not nice, you wouldn't like it if I did that to you would you? So what makes you think that it's funny to do it to me?" The junior woodchuck stopped, thought, then continued making fun of you, obviously your plan didn't work, and you couldn't do any more. The insultsthat were thrown at you were hurtful, and quite rude and honestly quite shocking to someone else's ears.  You wanted to fight back the tears, showing  everyone that you were strong, but you weren't a baby, but this time the insults were too much, and you broke. "S-stop! Please!" You shouted, begging them to stop, but then the insults got physical. You were slapped, and hit multiple times, the leader of the group didn't care, to be honest I don't even know why they were hired. Then a little duck with a red hat noticed you being physically attacked, he rushed over, physically jumping and grabbing the other junior woodchucks off you. "Hey! That's enough! Leave them alone! They didn't do anything wrong to you! Get off!" Huey shouted, pointing vigourously at the junior woodchucks, just the same as they pointed at you. The junior woodchucks ran away, scared of the best junior woodchuck in the world. "Are you okay Y/N?" Huey Asked, quickly grabbing the first-aid kit to do a physical check on you. You shake your head, about to cry, you tried to hold it in but your emotions overcome you and you broke down in front of him. "Shhhh, Y/N, it's okay, they can't hurt you anymore, I won't let them, no one is gonna hurt you anymore I promise." Huey checked for any marks, that they may have left you with, he squeezed your hand helping you count to 10 to calm yourself down. "There's no marks on you! You're a tough cookie! "He said, squeezing your hand again. But then you started to hyperfocus, what if they come back? What if they hurt you again? What if Huey wasn't there? What if- Huey noticed you hyper focusing and thinking through all the possible scenarios. "Y/N, stop, you're hyper focusing again, everything is okay now, they can't hurt you anymore, you're safe." He rubbed gentle circles on your hand, humming the junior woodchuck anthem calmly to try and ease your mind. " Junior woodchucks are true, we do the best we do! Junior woodchucks always make it through!" Huey Sang softly, doing the same circular motions on your hand, he tickles up and down your arm, making you giggle and slightly blush. " that tickles! "You say giggling slightly. He giggles also putting his hand up to your face. "Huey?" You ask, slightly confused, then you realise what he was doing, you slightly lean forward as far as you could, Huey Leaned the rest of the way, closing the gap between you. "Y/N, I love you, I love you so much, I can't bear to watch you be teased, physically attacked, and more, you are so beautiful to me, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love you so much, and I promise I will never leave you, ever. " Your eyes were misty from Huey's Little speech about you, he wiped your tears that were falling from your eyes, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. "I-I love you t-too...." your voice was so shaky, like you were about to break down again, he squeezed your hand, leaning in to kiss your lips. "When you're ready sweetie, just nod when you're ready." You started shaking, Huey helped you inhale and exhale to calm yourself again. Then you thought about the kiss idea, you nodded slowly, allowing him to get a little closer, he only went a little bit at a time, because he knew you liked your personal space. " i'm ready." You say to him, he goes to your lips and the magic happens, your lips just slowly connect, trying to find a comfortable ground, after about a minute, you pulled away, happy that you managed to kiss him. " that was magical! "You exclaimed, latching on to Huey's hand, as he used the other to rub your cheek gently. "It sure was." Huey said, taking your hand to watch the sunset with you. And with that, the Sun set in DuckBerg.

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