It's quiet uptown

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Angelica = Huey
Eliza = Gyro
Fenton = Alexander (Duh)
Philip = Boyd

Huey: "There are moments that the words don't reach
There is suffering too terrible to name
You hold your child as tight as you can
And push away the unimaginable
The moments when you're in so deep
It feels easier to just swim down
The scientists move uptown
And learn to live with the unimaginable...."
Gyro had just lost his first ever creation, Boyd, A definite real boy. Although he wasn't real, the harsh reality was that he was never going to be real, and quite frankly. Gyro was thankful he wasn't real, although he honestly wasn't thankful either. To see that poor kid get bullied because people were calling him the R word, yes the R word is a bad word now, because it made Boyd feel sad, so they tended not to use that word around him, even after what happened gyro still forbid anyone to use the R word, because he can still feel Boyd present. Boyd was killed in an explosion, caused by that idiot named Fenton... After he was instructed not to put the explosives near Boyd.
If the irony couldn't get any worse, gyro wasn't there to witness the explosion... Thankfully. So Fenton tried to fix him but it didn't work. Gyro burst through the door when he finally got to the lab to see his baby boy lying on a workbench wires going into him, honestly any parent's worst nightmare is watching their child die. In the near minutes Boyd was still alive, he apologised to his creator over and over again, but gyro wasn't angry. He was in pure shock to be honest,, to calm Boyd down gyro would often count in French and he would repeat. He did it once successfully, but the second time he only counted three digits in French, the realisation hasn't kicked in yet that Boyd had actually died, so gyro continued. No response, so he repeated the last two digits, once he realised that Boyd didn't say anything he looked over horrified. Gyro let out the most heartbreaking bloodcurdling scream in his entire existence, his Head was practically and buried into the robot boy's chest, he sobbed harder than anything, Huey came in the room with his hands over his Face in pure shock. He rushed over to Gyro he was too busy mourning the loss of his 'son.' That he didn't notice the 11-year-old also crying his eyes out, Fenton walked over to them he tried to put his hand on gyro to let him know that he was there, but almost instantly gyro pushed it off quite forcefully, signalling that Fenton didn't deserve to comfort the man after what he just did.
2 months later.
Fenton "I spend hours in the garden
I walk alone to the store
And it's quiet uptown
I never liked the quiet before
I take the children to church on Sunday
A sign of the cross at the door
And I pray
That never used to happen before."
Webby and the triplets: "if you see him in the street, walking by himself talking to himself. Have pity..."
Fenton: "Boyd, you would like it uptown, it's quiet uptown."
Webby and the triplets: "he is working through the unimaginable..."
The triplets: "his hair is gone grey, he passes every day, they say he walks the length of a city..."
Fenton: "You knock me out, I fall apart..." he says, actually falling to the ground crying
Webby and the triplets: "can you imagine..?"
The triplets and webby watch on as Fenton forces himself to get back up and walk off.
Gyro wasn't doing much better, he hadn't eaten, hadn't slept, or even invented anything. This wasn't creative block, this was pure depression at its worst. All the poor scientist father did was cry, he slept for maybe 30 minutes, but then have a dream about Boyd and the same process repeats all over again. Fenton would sit in the chair that he would pull up to Gyro's desk, and just sit in pure deafening silence, minusing gyro crying. After a few bits of silence, Fenton started the conversation.
Fenton: "Look at where we are
Look at where we started
I know I don't deserve you, Gyro
But hear me out
That would be enough..."
The chicken didn't move, nor respond.
Fenton: "If I could spare his life
If I could trade his life for mine
He'd be standing here right now
And you would smile, and that would be enough...."
Gyro locked up, trying to scowl at Fenton, but couldn't because his heart was hurting too much.
Fenton: 'I don't pretend to know
The challenges you're facing
I know there's no replacing what you've lost
And you need time
But that's okay
I know I am the reason
Just let me stay here by your side
That would be enough...."
Gyro let out a long sigh, causing Fenton to turn around. The other got up, and for the first time in two months he went outside and walked. Fenton was happy that he at least got the other to walk, but he was really sad still because gyro still wasn't himself.
Webby and the triplets: "If you see him in the street, walking by his side
Talking by his side, have pity....." The kids watched on as the two grown men walked downtown both in silence.
Fenton: "Gyro, do you like it uptown? It's quiet uptown..." Fenton asks, no response.
Webby and the triplets: "he is trying to do the unimaginable, see them walking in the park, long after dark taking in the sights of the city......"
Fenton: "Look around, look around, Dr. Gearloose...." Fenton said to the other, moving his hands while he was walking around trying to get gyro to look too, but nothing.
Webby and the triplets: " They are trying to do the unimaginable..."
Huey: "There are moments that the words don't reach
There is a grace too powerful to name
We push away what we can never understand
We push away the unimaginable
They are standing in the garden
Fenton by Dr. Gearloose's side
He takes his hand...."
A long pause was held as gyro turned to look at Fenton.
Gyro: ....It's quiet uptown....." Gyro said quietly, no bitterness to his tone, he sounded forgiving. Fenton heard this and he looked back at the other in surprise. But before He even attempted to say anything back to him, the poor man fell to his knees. Guilt, shame regret and sorrow were in his tears. Gyro also looked as emotionally wrecked as the other, he also bent down with Fenton as soon as the other dropped down to his knees. A lot of words could be said, just by them staying quiet. Gyro hugged him. Translating to: "I forgive you..." The other squeezed back. Translating to: "I'm so sorry.."
The other didn't need to say anything, To indicate that Fenton was truly sorry.
Webby and the triplets: "forgiveness, can you imagine...? "The kids formed a circle holding each other's hands around the two grown men as a symbol of their forgiveness.
Webby and the triplets: "can you imagine...?"
Each triplet and webby placed a candle in front of where they buried Boyd. (threw him out) Huey was too upset to place his, he finally lost it, and cried too. He lost his best friend, so it was really hard for him as well. The two grown men noticed the young child crying and mourning the loss of his friend, gyro opened his arms allowing Huey to join him. Louie Took his candle and placed it down for him, as the young child ran over and hugged into the both of them. Fenton moved out the way, allowing Huey and gyro to hug. Fenton placed a hand on the young duck, rubbing it in gentle circles to let him know he was there. "It'll be okay..." Fenton whispered to both of them, now coming in closer and hugging them both. "Come on kids, bring it in." He said, urging webby and the rest of the triplets to join the hug, that they did. Gyro wasn't phased by everyone hugging him, for the first time in a long time he was finally starting to feel like himself.
Webby and the triplets(without Huey): If you see him in the street, walking by his side
Talking by his side, have pity....." The two grown men and the child walked together, hand-in-hand mourning the loss of their son and best friend.
They were going through the unimaginable....

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