Lab partner Fentton x Reader

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A/N: Hey y'all!
Well, since I'm officially quarantined yay! (Honestly it's the worst thing everrrrrrrrrrr!) Stay safe everyone!
Fenton was now quarantined, and what that meant, he was stuck in his lab all day because he doesn't live with his mother anymore, due to her knowing his secret identity. On the other hand though, he had you to keep company, so it wasn't all bad! "I'm SOOO BORRRRD!!" He said, spinning himself in his spinney chair which he had done for the zillionth time. You giggled walking over to him, placing his morning files on his desk, he looked at them, letting out an exasperated pissed off I don't wanna do this anymore sound. "Well Dr Gearlose said we're key workers so, we don't really have a choice." You said standing there watching Fenton flick through the same 100 papers over and over again. "Y/N? Remind me, WHY ARE WE HERE?" Fenton said really annoyed. "Um, Fenton? Dr Gearlose said, because you're gizmo duck and I'm your glamorous assistant, we have to stay here to make sure people aren't outside for the wrong reasons so that's why we are living in your lab for the next 3 to 4 months." Fenton sighs, banging his head on the desk. " trust me, hurricane Maria was a lot worse than this. "You tell him, he nodded, remembering the lengths he had to go. "Yep, although I think they're equally as bad Y/N, well I'm gonna get to work okay?" You nodded, going over to your own desk, sitting down trying to hide the fact that you had been blushing for like the past 10 minutes.
1 hour later.
"Hallelujah! "Fenton says, out of breath, collapsing back into his spinney chair.
"Great! I ordered lunch for us, hope you don't mind! " He happily smiled, coming over to join you for lunch. "Sorry I was so, harsh earlier, being quarantined absolutely suuuuuuuuuuuucks!" He said emphasising the word sucks. You giggled at your nerdy partner, making him giggle unintentionally. " I love the emphasising Fenton." You say giggling. "Err, thanks Y/N!" Fenton said, flustered.
Fenton's pov:
I noticed Y/N suddenly going quiet, she looked down as she thought about something. "Y/N? Are you okay?" I ask, moving closer to her. "I-I-I i'm scared, my mom is very very,very vulnerable, she could catch this disease! I don't want to lose her Fenton.." she says, her voice was shaky like she was about to cry. "Awe, mi amor,(my love..) don't worry, I know it's a scary time right now, but, the doctors and nurses are doing everything they can, so all we can do is just play it by ear, there isn't a cure yet but if your mom is showing symptoms, make sure she self isolates, cause she'll be safe." I tell her putting my arm around her for comfort. "Thanks Fenton, I needed that."
3rd person pov:
He giggled, standing up putting his hand out for you. "No problem mi amor."
They went back to work only this time, I lot more than friends.

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