pressure (vent)

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Webby sat, her knees curled up against her chest, her bow had been ripped out, she wasn't in her usual outfit. She(As much as she hate to admit it) was pressured into changing her style so that she could fit in with the rest of her 'friends', they weren't really her friends, the only reason she befriended them in the first place was to originally stop her from being bullied by the same quote On quote 'friends' she made earlier that week. Instead of bullying her, they would pressure her to do things like, vandalise, smoke on school grounds etc etc. Webby knew she shouldn't do any of those things, she hated herself for it, she's already been suspended twice, her grandmother despises the change in her, instead of this helpful spy in  training. She is this, bratty spoiled ungrateful, girl inside of the same person. Mrs Beekley has already tried to talk to Webby about her attitude, the friends she is making, but her grandmother doesn't understand, she never will, it was her fault for making webby sheltered in the first place and then by the age of 13 find out that you're dealing with social anxiety. Why? All because you're stupid grandmother kept you sheltered! Webby hated herself, she hated herself more then before she met the triplets, she hated herself from the moment she knew she had social anxiety. But her grandmother was too busy to take care of her own granddaughter, forcing webby to make her own assumptions about herself, which was usually 99.9% false half of the time. But this? social anxiety? This was something she knew she had, and so did Mrs Bickley, although with the amount of lies Mrs Beekley has been keeping from Webbigail, at this point she doesn't even know. what? You sympathise? Seriously? You sympathise with her grandmother? The grandmother who is keeping her granddaughter sheltered for 12 years of her life! 12. Anyway, webby got up and forced herself to put on the emo Gothic outfit, she looked absolutely ridiculous, this wasn't her style at all, and today she was going to miss another curfew.
Webby crept down the steps, careful not to disturb anyone, she made it outside the mansion. She quickly rushed over the meeting place where the others would meet her, she made it to them quickly she greeted them with a smile and sat down next to them. "So what are we doing?"
" we're going to light your mansion on fire!"
"WHAT?" Webby shrieked. Yes, it was true, they were Lidget going to set the mansion on fire, they've been planning this for months now, webby hoped that they would soon get bored of the idea and do something else. Webby didn't know it now, but what she was about to do, or rather, 'made to do' was going to change her relationship with everyone. She didn't want to do any of that, she refused to put her family in danger! Come to think of it... Webby now realises the only reason she was accepted into the group, she was truly excepted so that the teenagers could find and ruin Mr McDuck's  mansion. Webby gulped, backing away slowly. She couldn't think of an excuse right now she just run, run quicker than anything. She made it back to the mansion, she quickly climbed through the window sighing and relief as she did. She didn't even notice the three duck figures standing directly opposite her.
"WEBBY!" The triple exclaimed, running over to hug her.
" where were you? " Dewey said anger raising his voice.
" we were so worried about you!" Louie sad frustrated.
" guys, that's enough!" Huey shouted at them, "now get out! It's clear that you guys are just going to scold her, ion the other hand actually want to get to the bottom of this. Now leave! "The other two triplets did as they were told, closing the door behind them as they left.
Webby burst into tears, her Gothic style make up ruined, as she cried into the eldest, pain and regret circling her thoughts. Huey was never the school in time, he always tried to resolve the issue by talking things out, or hearing both sides of the story and telling both of the victims his thoughts on the matter. The others would just proceed to scold her, and tell her how stupid she was for doing such a shitty thing. The eldest held her, rubbing her back gently.
" granny doesn't care....." she said amongst tears.
" of course she does webby... Your granny does care about you, why wasn't she"
" she's always too busy! And thanks to her sheltering me, I am 100% certain I've developed social anxiety!"
The oldest looked at her sympathetically, like his heart has just been ripped out of his chest.
" i'm stupid! I change to myself so that people would like me! Be my friends!"
"Webby.... why would you change yourself? You're perfect just the way you are!"
Huey hugged her, getting a make up wipe and rubbing the remainder of her make-up off. As he did, he sang One of Webby's favourite songs. As he sang the lyrics, more tears began to fall, the more she realised she didn't belong with those idiots, then I got the final verse of the song. "Take your make-up off, let your hair down,
Take a breath, look into the mirror at yourself
Don't you like you?
Cause I like you..."
Huey sang to her, rubbing her back gently as her make up was now removed, the eldest encouraged her to get out of that ridiculous outfit and into something more her style . He smiled once he saw her in her normal outfit, he picked up her bow and placed it in her hair. "That's the girl I know, "he says with a smile. "That's the webbyVanderquack I know and love...." he said urging her to get into bed, he smiled tucking her in, placing a kiss on her forehead in a brother like way.
" good night webby, I love you... "He said, turning out the light and closing the door behind them. The eldest let out a sigh of relief, going to confront Mrs Beekley about her neglect and treatment of her granddaughter.
"Ah, Huey! Did you find Webbigail?"
He gritted his teeth before replying.
"Oh excellent! Would you tell her that I would like to talk to her?"
Huey stepped forward.
" actually, I came to talk to you. "
"Oh?" The elderly duck furrowed her eyebrows.
"Yes, I would like to talk about you."
"Yes, and your treatment about webby.
Mrs Beekley raised an eyebrow, she looked over at the oldest triplet, realising he wasn't joking. She took A long sigh, before pulling up a chair for her and the eldest to talk.
" why do you treat her like you do? I mean, come on! She needs to see the world, you've kept her in this house for 12 years! No wonder she's developed social anxiety! You didn't want her to interact with the world, and now when she finally can? She can't because she's socially anxious!"
Mrs Beekley glared at the eldest at his sudden outburst.
" she thinks that you don't care!" He said in a fit of rage.
" do you know she's being bullied? The whole reason why she changed herself was because of that! She didn't know what she was getting into, she didn't want to do any of that! And yet, yet you still Yell at her for something she couldn't help nor didn't want to do? What kind of grandmother does that?"
Mrs Beekley wanted to say something, but clamped her beak shut as the junior woodchuck glared at her from a distance. The elder tried to open her beak to talk, but no words came out, all that was able to escape was A few choked sobs.
"Really? Waterworks?" Huey asks dryly.
Mrs Beekley cleared her throat, sitting up straight and looking at the eldest triplet.
" I care about her  Huey... really, I do.... it may seem like I don't, and I may be hiding things from her, but trust me I don't want to do this, I don't want to have to lie to my granddaughter! She's all I have left.."
Mrs Beekley moved her glasses up, wiping her eyes and putting them back down, she held her hands together as she tried to figure out a way to continue. "Her mother, my daughter. Worked for fowl(Fiendish organisation for world larceny). idk lol.
Mrs Beakley sniffs.
"Was badly killed, along with my son-in-law, Webbigail's father. Webby wasn't even hatched when I found out the news, so in honour of her mother, I adopted her as my own, since they know I was her mothers mother, they said I could take custody of her. As for why my daughter worked for those idiots? I'll have no idea, Webbigail's father was quite... Manipulative, to say the very least."
" then why did you let?-"
" she was happy, she was happy to say the least, it was the happiest I've seen her. Me and her father were divorced when she was very young, and my ex-husband was not a nice man to say the least. He was also manipulative, but I was too naive to see the signs, and so was Webbigail's mother.
Huey held his hand over his beak, as a small gasp escaped him.
He got up, climbed off the chair and climbed into the elder duck's lap and apologised over and over.
"it's alright dear, you care about her, and that's very sweet of you, thank you." Mrs Beekley smiled hugging the eldest triplet, she quickly set him down, and forbid him good night. Once he had left, she sat back down in the chair, hands over her face, Shame guilt and sorrow plastered all over her. "I'm sorry Webbigail, can you ever forgive me?"

And it's been way too fucking long since I've written in this! Plus my inspiration really died for this book, really has. But it's back somewhat. So the idea came from:

And I really want to see these two as characters in more depth, I really think Mrs Bickley and webby's relationship is really kind of rocky, they are close, but I think the reason why  she finds it hard to react to the world it's because of her shelter-meant. I mean, I love Mrs Beekley and everything, but I really want to see her more fleshed out as a character. I really hope they discover/discuss what happened to webby's parents call that would be a really nice story arc to see. And the real reason as to why webby is with Mrs Beekley in the first place. As for the launchpad story... I don't know when I'll have inspiration to write that, but it is happening I i'm trying to find a good plot for this, but no luck, well I have somewhat of a plot...
But anyway, I apologise for not updating this book in two months with an actual story.
I've been going through a lot right now...:(
If you want me to make a separate book based on Mrs Bickley and webby let me know!

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