chapter 4

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Authors note: I will upload once every week because I can't type up to 1000 words a day 😭, and I'm sorry about my story progressing very slowly. I'm not good at fast action story, but I did this so you would not get confused later on

It has been 2 years and I have given up. They don't love me unless i do something that benefits them, but at least they let me live here. Last 2 months was when we discovered that lady Marguerita was pregnant and everyone was excited and/or busy for her upcoming baby. I was never allowed to visit my pregnant mother because it would ‘disturb’ her. 

My father has made me focus on etiquette, manners, literature and dance more. I don't know why he has been assigning teachers for me to learn and I unfortunately could not do swordsmanship much nowadays.

So when my maid called me into the father's office while I was practicing the dance, I didn't expect any good news or anything, but why am I still with them? I could escape back to the orphanage. The maid said there my father invited some guest from his old friend and they wanted us to have a little playate.

I saw a boy with beautiful short blonde hair and his sky blue eyes, his skin was pale as a corpse (are they taking good care of him?) he seemed the same age as i and a little bit shorter and i noticed his suit that had a royal family badge attached to it, meaning he was a prince of Eldria. Next to him was a young man with red hair from hell and his eyes were orangish red and he wore a black personal guard suit with gold chains hanging from his shoulder to hips and the blue belt wrapped his waist around. Under the sun, his skin was creamy. They both sat in the left side of the wall on the white, flowerly decorated sofa.

Maira realized the situation immediately.

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