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zak ahmed, better known as skeppy, was walking through the woods when he found the body of toby lyons. he was hiking, heading towards the stream to watch the view. imagine his surprise when all he found was the bloated and decomposing body of a dead woman. his eyes welled up his tears, his hands fumbling through his pockets for his phone.

when his fingers finally grasped the metal, they quickly unlocked it, dialing three numbers and putting the phone to his ear. his body was numb, he couldn't quite think straight, wondering how in the hell he'd gotten himself into this mess.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operators voice was far too sweet for the situation and skeppy's voice came out panicked.

"i-i was hiking in morris woods, uhm, i went to the stream and while i was walking i tripped over something. but when i l-looked down, it was a body. oh fuck." he was jittery, shaking and holding back his tears and vomit.

"you've found a body in a river?" the operator sounded more serious now and skeppy could imagine her sitting up, her hands smacking the keyboard. "is it a dead body, sir?"

"why the fuck would a living person be in a river?" skeppy yelled in his panic, the woman sighing.

"sir, is it a dead body?" she repeated, skeppy stuttering out a yes. "you said you're in morris woods?"

"yes, yes, i'm in morris woods. the river at the very south of them." he was looking around, letting his tears fall and regretting not letting his friends come with him.

the police came and picked up the body, it took hours to figure out who it was and how they'd died. eventually, they figured out it was the missing girl...toby lyons, she'd drowned. they decided to call it suicide, since the family had called reporting her missing saying they'd found a note. all that was left to do, was let the family know.

the police didn't expect there to be a search party camped at the lyons' home, but that's what they got. there were tents outside, for the people that house couldn't hold, and there were people inside. all very close friends of toby's, john and his friends were there. along with mason, eric, cameron, and many others. toby's mother, gina, was the one to answer the door. she smiled brightly when she saw the police, looking behind them desperately. "did you find my daughter?" she whispered, her voice heavy with hope.

her smile dropped, as did her mood, when she saw their faces. they were sour, as if they didn't want to tell this once so happy woman that her daughter would never come home unless they decided to cremate her. however, that was their job.

"ma'am, we've come to inform you of the death of toby lyons. we found her three towns over. she'd been carried by the river current to garretsburg. a boy found her body while hiking, the coroner did an autopsy and she drowned, we don't suspect foul play." one of the officers said, gina's mouth opening as her eyes filled up with tears.

john, who was passing, stopped immediately. he shook his head quickly, whispering a faint; not again.

only darryl heard this, he looked up, frowning. "john-" he tried, but it was no use. john was already out of the house. pushing past the officers and running down the road.

john keyes ended up at jaren's grave, choking out several apologizes. both to toby and jaren, but it was no use. after all, it was just a stone and neither of them would hear him...ever again.

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