~ The Bloodbath ~

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I stand on my plate, about to rise into the arena. The games are about to start, and I'm more then ready. My plate will rise me into the arena in 30 seconds.

Me and the others careers have told eachother that our goal is to kill everyone we can in the bloodbath- leave no survivors. I see no way this could go wrong- unless one of the careers die, of course. My main goal is Katniss. I will grab as many knives as I can and look for her. I'll attempt to kill her, which should be easy. I don't think she'll run that far into the bloodbath.

Soon, my tube starts to rise. It is pitch black for about 15 seconds, then a blinding light fills my gaze. When my eyes adjust to the brightness, I see the cornucopia, shining and silver. I look to my left. Plenty of tributes. I look to my right. Plently of tributes. But Katniss is there. 

I need to kill her. Luckily, a pile of knives are not to far in front of me. My plan is to grab those knives, and another pair farther in. I'll grab a pack and then target her.

A countdown starts from 60 seconds. I see Cato, plenty of tributes away from me. I know he is aiming at that sword straight in cornucopia. Breck and Marina seem to be planning to go the same direction, to the right of cornucopia. Marvel is staring at the cleaver just a couple feet away. I can't even see where Glimmer is.

30 seconds till the goung sounds, and I am released to kill. 




And the gong sounds. I am really fast, faster then Cato, so I reach the knives in seconds. I get my first item before anyone else. Then I sprint further in and retrieve another set of knives. I reconize one of the knives as the one I used in my private training session. The girl from district 7 runs near me. I ram her to the ground. Since Marvel already has a weapon out, I let him have the kill. He spears her through the heart.

I grab the pack not far from me and I zip it open. Inside is a vest full of knives. I tie it to myself, not having the time to actually put it on. I run towards Katniss, who is now scooping up some bread. She runs in some more and grabs an orange backpack. Another boy, I can't tell which district, grab it too. They fight for it a while, until I'm closer. I throw a knife into the boys back, and he falls to the ground, his jacket stained with blood.

Katniss is now on the ground because she tripped. I grab the training center knife and I throw it, aiming for her head. She pulls the pack up to protect herself, and the knife digs into the orange backpack instead of her. I just gave her a weapon! Furious, I run at her with my hands clutching the knives. She runs at fast as she can, toward the forest. She's almost entering the forest, and I'm just a few feet away. 

Furious but reasonably, I head back to cornucopia to collect the good stuff before it all dissapears. I throw a knife into the district 3 girl's leg, and she trips. Glimmer then sit on her and stabs her multiple times. I see someone attack Breck from behind, and slit his throat open. I don't care, it's his fault for doing more then he thought he could. Marina runs and grabs a pack. Cato is inside cornucopia, switching to a larger sword and killing any last tributes that dare come closer. Marvel is chasing off or killing the remainders. Finally, we are left alone, all careers by cornucopia.

"That was the time of my life!" Marvel crys.

"Yeah!" I respond.

Cato laughs.

Glimmer and Marina keep doing remakes of other tribute deaths. We snort with laughter. "We should set up a camp here," Cato says. "We'll leave our stuff here and stay with our items to make sure they don't get stolen."

Since Cato is the male tribute with the highest training score, he's the boss. I untie the knife vest and find it knotted with knives all around it. Mostly they ones I used at the training center, short and silver. I pull the black vest over my head and I fill more pockets with knives. Marina is fiddling with some matches and Marvel is checking out his weapons.

"Guys, tonight we should hunt for some tributes. We'll need to bring our valuable stuff to make sure they don't get stolen. What do you think?" I suggest.

The careers nod. We set up our supplies neatly and organized. I know where every item I own is. Unlike Glimmer, who has scattered her belongings everywhere. I clean the knife I threw into the boy Katniss was fighting with with a cloth. I pick the right knives to take for tonight's first hunting.

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