Chapter 1 ~ I Couldn't Tell You

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_Thea P.O.V_
I woke up with a dizzy feeling as if I was going to be sick. I knew the cause of it but I couldn't let it on to anyone. If they did they would worry and check up on me and once they realised it wasn't going away they would want me to go to the doctors like I've already done. I had to keep this a secret. Even if it would hurt them when they finally find. If they find out. I mean if it even goes on that long I can jump ship and run.
Now don't go ahead skipping to conclusions. Lying to my family I something I have never done, it's practically impossible, and that clean streak isn't going to be messed up now. I'm just not going to tell them. How can I lie if I don't say anything at all about the subject?
I look around to identify the source of the noise to find my alarm clock stating it was one in the afternoon meaning I slept through my alarm and secondly I was meant to be at a 'family' meeting starting right now. I mean usually it would be fine except for the fact that a Bat Family meeting starts right on time and you're expected to be there. So I did the rational thing if I wanted to survive and threw myself out of bed and dressed as I stumbled down the stairs to the cave. This task was normally easy seeing as I was normally late for everything, fashionably obviously, but with my fuzzy head and effected eyesight that wasn't happening as I crashed into multiple walls on my way to the clock. I just hope that crashing behind me wasn't one of Big Bats priceless family portraits.
When I finally managed to get myself down there everyone was in attendance including Jason, which I'm not gonna lie was a surprise but his boyfriend Tim likely dragged him down, and my hot assassin husband Damian Wayne. Married two months and a half next week. Also in attendance was my stern but occasionally sweet father-in-law who at this moment was glaring daggers at me. And I mean full on bat glare. Bruce was mad. Whispering a speedy, "sorry" I sat down in my spot between the before mentioned Bat Brothers as people have been known to call them. There fans started it when they first appeared together and it kinda caught on. It's a bit weird though seeing as two of them are dating.
Bruce's meeting was probably important. The only problem was I couldn't concentrate on a word he was saying. I probably look really constipated by the way I keep squinting my eyes trying to get my ears to suddenly work. At some point I felt Jason tense next to me which could only mean the Joker was being mentioned. Great. I was most likely missing some vital piece of information that might stop me from being kidnapped and beaten by the crazy, card-named, clown and I couldn't get a word of it because my ears wouldn't stop muffling everything. Suddenly my head went extra dizzy and it felt like the top of my skull decided it wanted to spin around like a teacup at the fair. All the splotches of colour I saw before fused together and became black.
When I came to I let out a small groan. It mustn't have been that big as no one seemed to notice. Just then I realised the reason no body realised. It was because Batman just said meeting adjourned. His deep voice boom out scaring me, "stay behind Thea I want to talk to you." Noticing Damian still positioned at my side, he ordered "Alone."
Sighing my other half kissed my hand and left promising to be on just the other side of the clock.
Getting up I swayed slightly. Although my head cleared enough for me to hear just about I still stumbled on my feet. I tried to keep my walking steady and it must have worked because Bruce didn't mention it.
I looked up at Bruce's face and instantly knew that I was in deep doo-doo.
"Thea, why do you think it is acceptable to fall asleep in the middle of a team meeting."
"I wasn't asleep."
"Thea. Don't lie to me. You're the only one that doesn't these days."
Then my head started to swirl again. Worse then before. No. Not now. Not while Bruce is here. If I faint in front of him he'll know somethings wrong.
I subtly heard Bruce yelling at about something like answering his question. I started to fall accompanied by the change of tone of Bruce's shouting from angry Theas to worried and concerned versions of my name. Once again I fell into the kingdom of unconsciousness.

"Ummm." I shifted slightly. I was now on a soft floor most likely a mattress. Not the harsh hardness of the floor of the cave I had fallen on. I lethargically open my eyes to see the ugly mug of my husband looming over me (who am I even kidding, that mug I anything but ugly). "Arghhh!" The strangled shriek erupted from my hoarse throat. Just as Damian was opening his mouth to speak a worried cry was heard from the doorway of, from further investigation, our room.
"Oh thank god she's awake!" Turns out it was Dick who had been passing by.
"Leave us alone Grayson. We have something to talk about in private." Damian scowled at your eldest brother-in-law. His statement made you freeze up in fear. Did that mean he knew? If so was he angry? Or sad? I couldn't read his expression due to his damn ninja mask that schooled all his facial muscles and had only been made better by his Robin training.
"What Damian meant is why don't you go tell your brothers and sisters that Thea is awake." Bruce butted in stopping Dick before he started anything.
"Fine." Dick huffed as he walked off.
Damian turned back to me once Bruce had closed the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" He interrogated.
"I don't know what you are talking about." I answered ruining my perfect streak.
"Don't lie to me Thea! You're the only one that will never." He ended on a whisper.
"Why didn't you tell us Thea?" Bruce disappointedly demanded.
I sputtered out my answer as tears began to build in the corner of my eyes.
"I couldn't tell you."

I am not really sure if this is any good and if anyone would read, let alone want another chapter, but if anyone would like another chapter they can ask for one and I'll do it. Any requests are welcome seeing as I don't have a real plot for it but I have to warn I might not do them. If you do see any mistakes in Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation(SPaG) then please tell me I hate when it's wrong I my work. Thank you for reading this.

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