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It's been about two days since I heard from Hackerextrodinaire. Mind you I did leave him with out an answer to his question. We had to deal with an Akuma that was Nightmare based. Yeah not fun since my nightmare was failing everyone around me even my own team. A then yesterday the Akuma was Chloe's mom calling herself Style Queen all I can say Is I see where she get's her bad attitude from. Then Chloe managed to get her hands on the Bee miraculous that I'd brought for Rose, and due to certain issues was Akumatized into Queen Wasp. Like mother like daughter. Then today we had to deal with Meldictator Chloe's father and the Mayor of Paris.

I was packing up my things, since school had just ended. When the app went off it was from Hackerextrodinaire.

Hacker extrordinaire


Fěicuì lóng

-Hey yourself sorry about what happened akumas here in Paris are a really big deal.

Hacker extrordinaire

-about that I looked them up and there is nothing about them anywhere

Fěicuì lóng

-This is Paris if something like this got out tourism would drop so you wouldn't find anything on the main Parisian search try the Ladyblog if you can.

Hacker extrordinaire

-Thanks. So what can you tell me about these akumas in general.

Fěicuì lóng

-Well it's kind of hard to explain per say. But the easiest description would be  a person coruptted by magical butterflies called Shūsòng believe me when I say this took me five hours to try and look that one up after the first akuma victim. That are sent by a villain called Hawkmoth that has the butterfly miraculous. He imbues people who are feeling negative emotions; such as anger, fear, loss, betrayal, things a long that line with power ranging from overly cliche powers to powers  that have leveled the city on many times over because the amount of power they get depends on how strong the emotion is and the cause. Luckily he can only do one person at a time or else there'd be hell to pay and before you freak like Gotham we have our own heroes Ladybug, Chatte Noir, and Drakon.

Hacker extrordinaire

-Wow. What can you tell me about your heroes then?

Fěicuì lóng

-Well I only know their powers but sure. Let's start off with Ladybug she holds the power of creation this comes from the Ladybug earrings which are what Hawkmoth is gunning for. So let's say for example once the fight is done she can use her powers to set everything back to the way everything was before the akuma attacked in the first place. Which is a good thing cause a few akumas have messed with peoples personalities or turned them into animals, maniquins, glitter statues, ice cream molds, etc.

Hacker extrordianaire

-Have you ever...?

Fěicuì lóng

-Twice. Once with the Akuma called Mystic he turned me into a twenty eight year old version of myself and the second time was with Reverser who practically turned me into a self-centered, arrogant child.

Hacker Extrordinaire


Fěicuì lóng

-by the way is there a reason your asking or just curious?

Hacker extrordinaire

-bit of both you see my family and I are coming to Paris tomorrow and I kinda want to be prepared

The RedemptionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz