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Okay I can officially say that Operation Adrienette is off the table. I'm sorry but like any brother I want my sister to have a healthy relationship with someone who cares about the whole package that she has to offer. But today I had Sensei training.

On my way with Mari to my father's dojo I thought about the akuma's we'd recently had. Animator that was a little freaky, Obliterate(removed all of your memories and forced you to act like buffon's once you did. Tim sadly got caught up in that mess, but he settled on a name at least. Atricolor) and Stormy Weather again(I blame Chloe's insensitivity). But hopefully we could one day raise the curtain on Hawkmoth's and Mayura's I.D's. After thinking about every akuma mainly seemed to target those in their teen-aged years. Mind you a few adults have been targeted, but none of the victims had any connection to whom Hawkmoth might be.

I soon was outside my father's dojo whelp time to get to training.

Tim's p.o.v.

I was kicked out of the Wayne building for the next seventy two hours just because I refused to sleep since we first arrived here in Paris. Plus I wasn't even allowed coffee at all in that time span my family can stink at times. I shook my head since the time started I managed to get nine hours of sleep and managed to eat an actual breakfast for once.

"Oh and during this time choose who your going to hurt with the heartbreak Lloyd or Drakon" Jason told me

They are one in the same, but I can't tell them that Lloyd told me with the strictest confidence not to tell anyone. Heck I even asked how he found out about our identities turns out that he recognized Damian from the aggressive aura he put out both as Damian and as Robin. So thanks Demon Spawn for that.

I decided to go to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery to see if Lloyd wanted to go on a last minute date. I opened the bakeries front door to see Tom and Sabine without Lloyd or Marinette which I found odd till I saw the time. It was 1 in the afternoon their shift has been over for a while now. "Oh Tim" Mr Dupain said

I flinched still remembering the thrashing he gave me when I wore the Dire Wolf Miraculous. Sadly Chatte didn't believe me when I said I wasn't an akuma and I was given a miraculous by Drakon since he had other things to attend to. And tried to take my miraculous from me by force now I understand why she's a little aprehensive, Lloyd told me all about Volpina, which made me completely understand  why they were so wound up about a new hero(s). But I had barely been able to give Lloyd back the miraculous because I was fighting on two fronts.

"Nice to see you again Mr. Dupain-Cheng" I smiled shoving that to the back of my mind.

"If your looking for Lloyd he's not here. He's at his father's dojo with Alya and Marrinette for Sensei Training." Mrs. Dupain-Cheng said

"Thanks." I told her,"Um which Dojo again?"

She gave me directions on my phone to get to Sensei Garmadon's Dojo. On my way I thought I'd give Damian a hint as to where his Angel was. I hit Damian's name in my contacts and waited for him to pick up. "What do you want Drake" Damian growled once he picked up

"Wow is that how you are going to treat me then I won't tell you whom among the Angels I'm heading to see" I smirked

"Wait you are going to see Marinette?" Damian growled

"Yup to get a few date idea's for Lloyd and I. But I'd thought you'd like to know." I smirked

"Where are you Drake?" Damian demanded

"Why would I tell you that I'm actually on my way to see them both with Alya"I smirked

"Drake you will tell me or else " Damian spat

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