The Prologue

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It was not known why someone would come in and take away a mother from her daughter.  The daughter was left crying on the street that night.  As red and blue lights flashed in front of her, she was too young to be without a caregiver.  She only remembered small details of the crime given.  Doctors said that the traumatic event could have caused her brain to "cut the bad parts out".  Therefore, no lead was left, no hint was given, no information reported that could have assisted the detectives in solving the crime of a brutal murder.  A mother had been raped and stabbed with no history of having enemies.

Now, the ten-year-old girl was left to fend for herself in a brutal and violent world.  Forced into the foster care system, she could only hope the families were good as she was moved from home to home where most of the caregivers only turned out to be abusive.  Year by year, she was broken down a little more.  Yet, the only thing that kept her going was singing.  Her teachers discovered the beauty of her voice in middle school, but she wasn't just good at singing, she taught herself to read music and play the piano.  Her teachers thought she was a prodigy.  So, she kept going to school.  Whenever she moved, she enrolled herself in if her guardians did not.

She would walk in the morning and walk back down the suburban streets in the afternoon. As she noted the sounds her footsteps made, she could see a young man in the distance.  He was much older than her, probably about 18.  As they passed one another, she noted his hypnotic green eyes and pitch-black hair, but it was just a passing thought.

One memory in particular still haunted the young girl, the memory of the flames and smoke that engulfed her entire childhood.

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