Seventeen: Sing Me To Sleep

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Grace's P.O.V~
The fight seemed as if it took hours. Knight was bloody and so was his brother and all I could do was stand there and watch the man I loved be beaten to a bloody pulp. I wanted to intervene. I wished I had some magical power or something to stop him. Knight got more than his fair share of hits in. I had to look away when managed to get on top of him and wrap his hands around his brother's throat. I heard the crack of his neck and his men let go of me.

I looked up and saw Knight walking towards me, his brother's body on the floor behind him. He was out of breath and there was blood all over his face. Even though he used almost all of his strength, he picked me up, bridal style, and calmly took me out.

He didn't talk or speak the entire drive back and when we got back, Josh and my dad immediately questioned what happened to us.  I just told them that it was King.  Knight didn't have any strength to speak and instead just went up the stairs.

February 9th: One Day before the Wedding
The past two days hadn't been easy. I had to explain to Josh and my father what happened to us. Knight took a shot that instantly healed all of his wounds, but ever since he had to kill his brother, he was practically dead silent, except for one or two words that he would say to me. Every night, he would crawl into bed with me and we'd have sex. It was like he was trying to drown it out and sex was the only way he knew how.

He sat outside on the back porch, having a cigarette by himself, just sitting quietly. I grabbed a cup of iced coffee and went out there, sitting on the step with him. I sat in silence with him for the first few minutes, but sighed when it became too quiet for me. All I could do for the past two days was watch him sit there, in pain. I felt so tired of being helpless.

"The wedding is in less than 11 hours now," I sighed, looking at the night sky. "We're getting married."

"Mmhm," he hummed simply, blowing out a puff of smoke. I scoffed and put my coffee aside before gently hugging his arm.

"Knight, you've been dead silent for two days." I said, leaning my head against his arm. "Please," I begged. "Please talk to me."

He let out a deep breath of smoke and put out the cigarette before looking at me with the most eerie glare in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say." He tightly gripped my arms. "I killed my goddamn brother and I feel fucking awful because I don't feel guilty about it." He growled at me. "The only way that I feel anything at all is when we're in bed, so if you really want to fucking help me, come upstairs with me and let me continue to erase everything he tried to fucking do to you."

I sat there, breathless at his response. I nodded and stood up with him. He practically dragged me up the stairs and threw me on the bed. He locked the door behind him and undid his belt as he walked towards me.  The sight of that made my stomach flutter as he climbed on top of me.  His eyes never left mine.  Even when he was inside me, his eyes were locked on mine while the sweat on his body glistened in the dim lighting.  When the intensity became too much, I shifted my gaze, but he quickly gripped my chin with his large hand and forced me back into the moment.

"Don't you dare look away from me."  He growled.  "Feel me fucking you."  He moved his hand to grip my hair.  "No one else can see you like this."

When we finished, he laid in bed beside me. We were silent for a while, until I burst out crying, turning my back to him. He quickly turned me back to face him and wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed. "I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about, Kitten? You didn't do anything." He told me.

"Yes, I did." I looked up into his green eyes. "It was because of me you had to kill your-"

"Don't finish that sentence." He snapped, putting me on my back and caging me in with his arms. "Listen to me. You are not the cause of any of this. Understand?" He gripped my chin and made me look into his eyes. "Kitten. Answer me or I'll really be angry." He hissed. I silently nodded before feeling him wipe away my tears. He leaned down and kissed my cheeks. "My brother and I hated each other. This feud was longer than just what happened two days ago." He laid his head on my chest. He was a bit heavy, but I didn't mind holding him. I caressed him, running my right hand through his thick hair, down his muscular arms, and toned back. I carressed his cheek with my left hand. I saw him close his eyes and felt him relax his muscles.

"I'm sorry I haven't really been present for the past two days." He whispered.

"It's okay. You just worried me a little." I replied, just as quietly. "Y'know, I know you don't love me back, but the least think of me as your ally. You said you'd be loyal to me, so just know, I'm loyal to you. Do you know that?"

I heard him let out a small chuckle before he hovered above me again.

"You've already proven your loyalty to me," He said as he pushed himself up onto his knees. "Now, let me make up my absence." He smirked. I was confused by what he meant until he put my legs over his shoulders. I blushed and arched my back, letting out a gasp when I felt his warm tongue move over my womanhood.

Knight's P.O.V~
After having sex for the second time that night, she was worn out. I came back into the room with a bottle of whiskey and sat down next to the bed. I watched her sleep as I had a little bit to drink. I didn't want to get drunk seeing as how the wedding was tomorrow. I just wanted something to help dull the grief to my dickhead of a brother.

I looked at the only person I loved, sleeping peacefully in the bed. I reached out and stroked a bit of her hair as I listened to her slow and steady breathing. I thought about how she was the only person who ever gave me the experience of true happiness and the fact that after the ceremony, I'd have her. For the rest of our lives.

To Become King (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora