Four: Sweet Dreams (are made of this)

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*Rule 4*
Human property must be symbolically claimed by their owner. Once claimed and if stolen by another, the owner has the right to kill the thief.

Grace's P.O.V~
The flames.  Again.  You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but the intense heat and all the blood surrounding me never ceased to send my heart into a full-blown panic attack, but something was different this time. He appeared, glaring at me with those hypnotic jade eyes. I could feel my body tense up as he wrapped his arms around me. He picked me up and pressed his lips against mine. Suddenly, the heat started to become my own. His body was on top of me and his hands started to travel down to my breasts and over my-

My eyes shot open and the sweet smell of his cologne suddenly filled my nose when I realized that my head was laying on his clothed chest. His muscular arm was wrapped around me. What was I thinking? How could my mind even picture those things with this man of all people? Though being held by him in such a protective way felt nice, my brain was yelling at me to get away, but the other part of me wanted to lay there, wrapped in the warm embrace that I'd never had a chance to feel before. The feeling was almost . . . nice. As I thought about it, I could feel my body shift closer to him, until I snapped myself out of it and sat up a bit, trying not to disrupt his sleep.

I sat about halfway up before I realized that his phone was laying on the nightstand next to his gun. I looked down at him and figured that he was still in a pretty deep sleep, his messy black hair slightly falling over his eyes. His arm gently slid down my back until I suddenly felt his hand against my butt. I blushed but ignored the feeling as I began reaching over his large figure for the phone. Slowly but surely, I managed to get a hold of it and unfold it before swiping over. I didn't even get to dial 9-1-1 before he woke up. He glared at me with a frightening look in his eyes before grabbing my wrist while his other hand clasped my ass. His grip on my wrist became tighter.

"Drop. The. Phone." He growled lowly. I blushed at the sound of his demanding bass-like voice and began to loosen my grip on the phone. Apparently, I was too slow to let go of it because he then slapped my butt with such a force, I thought I might cry if I wasn't too stunned by sheer embarrassment. "Now!" He ordered again. I released the phone, dropping it on his chest. The anger in his eyes never faded as he put the phone back on the nightstand before sitting up and pulling me to lay over his knees. He forced my hands behind me, tightly gripping them with only one of his hands. "You've got to be fucking kidding me! If you want to act like a child, I will fucking treat you like one!" He hissed. I heard him undo the belt from his pants before he suddenly smacked my butt with the metal end of it a few times, causing me to let out cries of pain. "Shut up, you little fucking bitch!" He grabbed me by my hair and brought me out into the living room.

Josh was sitting on the couch before he stood up, looking at the situation with concern. Knight threw me to the floor and hit me with the belt again before using it to tie my hands behind me. He gripped the tail of it and used it to force me back up onto my feet causing a huge pain in my shoulders. He forced me to turn towards him and grasped my chin agonizingly tight that I thought he might break my jaw. He leaned down to my ear.

"I warned you already what would happen if you went against me, but it seems your memory needs refreshing." He whispered, his hot breath hitting my ear. "As you saw yesterday, I'm not a very forgiving man, but seeing as how you're valuable to me, I'm not going to kill you. So, instead, every time you do something I don't like, I can and will punish you like I just did, except each time you make an offense, the punishments will get increasingly worse. Don't test your fucking limits with me, Kitten. I let you out of your chains, but I can always take back your freedom." He explained before undoing the belt and throwing me back on the floor.

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