Three: Madness

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*Rule 3*
Criminals are ranked on a scale of 1-10.  10 being the best of the best and also the worst.

The further I walked down the hallway, the higher the flames grew. Sweat dripped down my entire body until the heat made me feel like I was suffocating. I could feel my heart-rate speed up as I neared the door. The metallic smell of blood filled my nose as I pushed open the door. The blood flooded the hallway and covered me from head to toe. Her lifeless eyes stared into my soul and-

I shot up in the bed, practically hyperventilating. After a few moments of working through the panic attack, I recollected where I was. I looked around the room and realized that I was alone, noticing my glasses laying on the nightstand next to me.  Where did he go? I put on my glasses, got out of the bed, and walked over to the curtain hanging over the small window. I slightly opened it to see that the sun was just now rising. What time was it? Just as I thought that he barged in with my bag in his hand. The bag that I initially packed to run.

"You're awake." He threw the bag at my feet. "Get dressed. Do what you need to do. We're leaving. Knock on the door when you're done." He ordered, closing the door behind him. I sighed and shook my head before picking up the bag and placing it on the bed. I opened it and took off my glasses, putting them to the side to put on a small amount of make-up. I took out my white lace bra and underwear and put on a dark purple v-neck peplum top and my jeans. I put on my flats and put my blonde hair up into a low bun, slightly rushing as to not make him wait. I had a feeling that he wasn't very patient. When I was satisfied enough with the way I looked, I put on my glasses, clearing up my blurry vision. I placed my pajamas into the bag and zipped it up. I picked it up before knocking on the door to let him know that I was done.

When he opened the door, he just stared at me, looking me up and down. I blushed from his gaze but was quickly snapped out of it when he gripped my arm and practically dragged me outside. As he closed the door to the old house behind me, Josh stood in front of a black Lamborghini as it hovered above the ground.

He took out his phone and unfolded. He pressed a button on it to open the four doors of his expensive car and start the engine. He suddenly took the bag from me and put his large hand on my lower back. He forced me into the front seat of the car, closing the doors and locking me in. He opened the trunk, placing the bag inside before they both got in the car. Josh sat in the back while the man with hypnotizing eyes got in the driver's seat.

The Bluetooth automatically connected to his phone and started blasting some form of metal music, making me jump before he turned it down. He put on a pair of sunglasses and rolled down the window before lighting a cigarette and putting it in between his lips as he pulled out and immediately started speeding down the road.  After about 30 minutes of silence, I finally spoke up.

"Uh, Mister," I stuttered, not knowing what to call him.  "W-Why did you take me?"

He sighed and turned on the autopilot for the car before taking his foot off the gas.

"Okay, let's get this straight, don't call me 'Mister'.  It's 'Knight'.  Second, do you really not know who the fuck you are, or are you just playing stupid?"  He questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Knight, she was raised in foster homes.  Her mother died when she was ten."  Josh told him.

"How did you-"

"We know everything about you. You were born on February 1st, your mother died in a fire when you were ten. You were bounced from foster home to foster home, yet somehow, you graduated college at the age of 18 with a bachelor's in Music Education and a minor in Psychology. Your IQ is only a few points lower than mine so you're extremely intelligent." The man called Knight explained to me.

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