{Six: Reality Check}

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Friday, 3:08 pm


"So, let me get this straight: You like the cutie next door?" Jonah asks.

"You like Noah?" Zach clarifies.

"N-No! I don't uh...like Noah like that!" I rub my arm and the boys started laughing. 

"Can you guys stop being dicks?" I ask, seriously, and they stopped.

"We're just teasing Corbs. I don't judge you at all. Noah is pretty bad-ass, she smoking hot, she's got the body of a super model, and...-did I mention her ass? Cause she's got a nice one." Daniel says as I stare at him.

"Don't forget the tits!" Jonah says and the other two nod, Jack adding a few air thrusts into the conversation that I wanted to end already.

"You're all a bunch of pervs and you're not helping at all." I say as I scramble through my pockets to grab my phone.

The boys were still talking about Noah and other girls' body and I roll my eyes, annoyed at their childishness.

"Well guys, I'm about to ask her for coffee so shut your asses up." I say aggressively as they pout.

"Buzz kill." Zach says.

"Yeah we're dudes we like talking about that stuff. Because it's very erotic." Jack says as they all laugh.

I roll my eyes and call Noah.

"Hello?" she asks in her beautiful voice and it drew a smile on my face.

"Hey...Noah. How are you?" I ask as I look at the boys.

They each were making sexual gestures and I covered my eyes with my hand, followed by a groan.

"I'm good Corbyn. What about you?" Noah says distracting me from the boys; thank god; they were gonna make me feel embarrassed and scramble my words, looking like a fool.

"That's good. I'm doing good myself...I uh..just started thinking about you last night and wondered if you want to go out for coffee..." I say softly, forcing myself to ignore the boys' immaturity as they ooh, causing Noah to giggle.

"It's nice to know you're thinking about me... I really needed that.  But unfortunately, I can't today. I have a few appointments. I'm really sorry." Noah says as I smile at her apology.

"Sure sure, I get it: you're busy, like always. Maybe um.. tomorrow if you have time around 2 pm." I suggest as she chuckles softly, which I barely heard.

"Instead, make it 11 am." she corrects as I chuckle.

"AM? She likes me..." I say as she giggles and I smile ignoring the fact that every ooh in the room hit me dead in my chest.

"How couldn't I? I'll see you tomorrow at 11 then." she says.

"You know it." I say.

"See you later, Bean." she says as I smile.

"See you." I say kindly, waiting for her to hang up.

♣♣I fell in love...I'm sorry♣♣ *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now