{Eight: You}

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Ready for the teasing, I walked inside me and the boys' house and yeah, they were already waiting.

"Details." Jonah demanded as I chuckle nervously.

"We just spent the hours at the cafe, talking, she took a few pictures on her Polaroid camera, and that's it." I say but I knew they wouldn't leave me alone.

"No way. Something else had to happen. Or are you just being a little bitch boy?" Jack teases as I roll my eyes.

"Fine, we almost kissed." I say as they cheer.

"You don't sound very happy... What's wrong?" Daniel asks.

"I don't know what I was thinking... I shouldn't have...-" 

I look at my watch.

"Shit. I'll talk to you guys in the morning. I'm gonna be late, Bierce is gonna kill me." I say and I run upstairs.

I change into my uniform and put my bag around my neck as I run downstairs. I run out of the house and to the library.

I rush in and look around for Bierce. 

"Corbyn." she scolds as I look at her, sitting at the front desk, taking a few sips off of a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"I'm really sorry Ms. Walker, I lost track of time..." I apologize as she chuckles lightly.

"Don't be silly Mr. Besson. You had to give your friends the details of your date." she says as my face turns red.

"I mean...I guess..." I say as she gets up, setting the coffee on the desk.

"Well, those books aren't gonna reorganize themselves." she says as I smile slightly and grab the cart of books, then put the books in separate piles.

I think about my date with Noah and I sigh, reliving that moment in my head. 

"You seem troubled Corbyn." Bierce says as I look at her quickly. 

Bierce was always a mysterious woman from when I met her. She seemed educated at the finest and she was very clever. She'd be that type of woman in a video game where she guides you through whatever the objective was. 

Her voice is not very deep but not high either. She had an accent: British to be exact, or at least, I think. I can't tell the difference between Australian and British.

"No. I'm fine." I say looking at the book that was in my hand.


"That's a good one." Ms. Walker says as I look back at her.

"What's it about?" I ask quickly looking at the cover.

"A boy who can't see that the girl he's in love with only likes him for him. His name is Chase Hudson. Her name is Olivia Rush. They meet bumping into each other, she almost fell into the streets and got hit by a bus when he grabbed her and pulled her back." she explains and I look at her. 

♣♣I fell in love...I'm sorry♣♣ *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now