(Bucky Barnes) Catty

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Published: March 7, 2020

Word count: 1392

Pairing: Bucky x reader

Prompt: 'Why is your cat such an assh*le?'

A/N: This is my entry for tumblr's @jbbuckybarnes writing challenge. Go check out their tumblr, their writing is really good! xxx

Stairs. Stairs. And more stairs. Why did you choose an apartment on such a high floor? Right, the view. However, in hindsight, you were wondering if it was worth the five flights of stairs after a long day of work.

Sighing heavily, you dragged yourself up the last few steps and to your apartment door. Your fingers rifled through your bag, searching for the familiar key, a sappy Valentine's keychain from Bucky hanging from it.

For a moment you panicked. What if you had lost it? You'd never forgive yourself. You'd have to change the lock, which you frankly couldn't afford at the moment, and... and the precious keychain Bucky had given you on your first Valentine's Day together. No, you couldn't have lost it.

You dug through your bag frantically. Bucky had a spare key, so you could always call him to come over and open your apartment for you, but you didn't want to trouble him with that.

'Yes!' You exclaimed in triumph, producing the keys from the bag you would now be more inclined to call 'a container for absolute chaos.'

You slipped the key into the lock, taking your time so as not to startle anyone. You wanted to surprise Luka, your cat.

Upon opening the door, you heard a voice and remembered you weren't the only one home. Rather than being a cause for alarm, it relaxed you, for the voice belonged to none other than your beloved boyfriend, Bucky Barnes.

'No. I fed you recently, you're not getting any more.' His voice was firm, his tone similar to the one he used when training new recruits at the Avengers compound.

As you slipped your coat and shoes off, slowly and silently, you recognized the answering meow to be Luka. A smirk crept onto your face. Oh, this was bound to be good.

Bucky only groaned in reply. You could already picture him in the middle of an intense glaring contest with your cat. 'No, Y/N will kill me if I over-feed you. Have you seen her when she's mad?'

He waited for the cat's response, continuing when none came. 'No, right? Well, I have and I'm staying on her good side.'

Luka meowed again, the same meow that he used to beg you for whatever he desired. You had to admit, maybe, just maybe, maybe you spoiled your cat a little. Hey, in your defense, he had been your only companion until you met the Avengers, and Bucky.

You took a couple of tentative steps forward, halting in the doorway as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. Luka was using the same tactic he always used on you, which basically consisted of meowing in a whiny tone, purring, and rubbing up against your legs, but it didn't work so well on Bucky.

Bucky heaved a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his long, soft, brown locks. For a split second, he resembled a parent with a child he had no idea what to do with.

'Do you want me to put you outside?'

Luka trotted over to the couch where plopped down on his behind. He was clearly going to be as difficult as possible.

'I thought not. You're not getting any treats and that's final.' Bucky crossed his arms like a defiant child, except in this scenario, he was playing the role of parent.

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