Mate of Honor Ch. 22

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***IMPORTANT***Okay so anyone who has never read 'Not Mate, Mute. There's a Difference' may be a little lost in some of this chapter but I tried to explain everything in a way that fills in the gaps left if you haven't read it so if I'm a little over detailed or under detailed its because not everyone has read NMMTAD. Enjoy the new chapter. :)

            Hunter listened to the howls surrounding him and his fur bristled with pride. This was how it was supposed to be, he could feel it, feel his wolf rejoicing. He was meant to be Alpha, always had been though lines of succession had kept him from being so. This was in his blood, this natural. Ethan’s aura of power was fading to that of a Beta as his grew to that of a powerful Alpha.

            Glancing to the side he could see the wide eyes of his parents and Ethan’s. The current Alpha looked proud and amazed. Hunter got the message; he was more an Alpha than anyone had thought. Shifting back to human form he waited as the others approached. Ethan sat in human form on the ground staring angrily at the dirt.

            Jody threw her arms around her son hugging him tightly. With a light chuckle Hunter hugged her back. When she pulled away she hit him hard in the shoulder. “Don’t you ever worry me like that again young man! You scared me near half to death!”

            Noah put a comforting hand on his mate’s shoulder pulling her away whilst clapping his other hand on his son’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you son,” He said just loud enough for Hunter to hear. It was best not to brag of the won fight in front of the still sorely defeated Ethan. Ethan’s parents though seemed unhindered by their son’s defeat. Miranda of course looked worried for his state of mind but the fact her son had just been beat by her nephew was no surprise.

            In a way they’d all seen it coming. The years of Hunter always being a step or a leap in front of Ethan had been foreshadow that one day, whether before or after Ethan became Alpha, there would be a fight. It was inevitable that there would be an instance that Hunter would refuse to back down to Ethan. It was nature, all a matter of power, and Hunter had always had more power than that of a simple beta. If not for the fact a beta of bloodline was absolutely needed, Hunter probably would have broken off to make his own pack as Alpha one day, like that of Lucas in the Blazing Moon Song pack making his own. Hunter was never meant to be Beta; that much was now clear by the aura of suppressed power he was giving off.

            The other pack members drifted away after bowing to their new future leader. The fight was over; the rest was a matter of the pack leaders. Ethan stood and followed at the back of the group as they made their way back to the house. The Biggs and Jenny were waiting already and followed behind Ethan. No one was quite sure where to start, the transition was made, and there was no going back unless Ethan could actually win a new fight. With downcast eyes the new beta sighed, he knew his defeat would be quick now that Hunter had alpha status unlocked.

            A strange feeling of hope and belonging filled him though. Hope, that Rosie would accept him and come back now he would just be the beta. The beta didn’t need to live in the pack house to be near the pack, the beta could take time off to be with her, could be focused only on his mate without the lingering responsibility over the entire pack. Belonging, that this was the position he was meant for. The thought of being Alpha one day had never set well with him. It was a heavy weight, and he’d always wondered if his shoulders were strong enough to handle it. He was rash, making decisions quick without thinking, had a temper to match any rogue, and he wasn’t the best at leading without commanding people to follow rather than be inspired to; none were good qualities of an alpha.

            Hunter would be a good alpha, an exceptional one in fact. It was a change Ethan could live with. Knowing the tension needed to be resolved Ethan reached out a hand to Hunter, “Good fight.”

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