Fact about Heesun's Career

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- When Heesun Debut DR music thought that he wasn't going to last more than 1/2 a year so they only gave him a 3 year contract

- The high ups in DR were suppressed by how well received Heesun was by the Korean public and how well he sold

- The only reason DR music debuted Heesun was because he was young and good looking and overlooked his talents

- The profit ratio Heesun earned in DR Music was 20:80

- When he was a rookie the higher ups of DR music treated Heesun like dirt despite being their bread-maker

- After his successful debut in 2005 a few of the DR music exclusives didn't was Heesun to finish high school and tried to force him to quit school but after a letter written by his mother and grandmothers in Jeju and the public finding out and protesting/boycotting them until they stopped

- Right before his debut one of the DR music high up called Heesun an idiot and a poor boy who won't stand a chance in the idol industry

- It is a known fact that throughout his time in DR the high ups bullied Heesun - when he was a rookie (2 months old idol, still 16 years old) one of them made fun that Heesun's late father and how he passed away

- In 2005 Heesun had a concert in Busan that DR prepared for him but they didn't put much funding into it so the stage started to collapse and three of the stage lights collapsed near where Heesun was standing at different times during the show. A high up that was at the concert told Heesun to continue the show despite the people in charge of the stage production telling him that the stage was not stable

- when he was about to debut in DR music a higher up suggested to a 16 year old Heesun that he bleach his skin to make him less tanned

- DR music never supported Heesun with any of his music - he had to write his music and since he was young his managers had to get in touch with producers and writers themselves

- DR music wanted to trademark Heesun's name in 2008 right before he left for DSP but Heesun and his team didn't let them and Heesun filed his own name for trademark before they could.

- The high ups in DR music hate Heesun and tried to sue his off his name in late 2008 which they lost

- When Heesun's contract with DR music ended in 2008 SM Entertainment's Lee Soo-Man personally offered to sign Heesun but he politely rejected the offer (Soo-man and Heesun and friends and there are no harsh feelings about the rejection)

- When Heesun left DR and officially became a part of DSP media he said he felt a different more welcoming atmosphere

- In 2008 Heesun signed a 4 year contract with some of his own terms and conditions with DSP which the CEO of DSP at the time, Lee Ho-Yeon accepted

- When Heesun's contract with DSP ended in 2012 he left the company on good terms with everyone and the company still give him moral support

- Heesun is still friends with the CEOs of DSP media and PLAY M entertainment - they have even given him moral support

- The majority of Heesun's Team have been with him since 2005 and have seen all his struggles

- In 2007 a Saesang payed a lot of money to an ex-exclusive of DR to tell her where Heesun's dorm was; she was then caught by Mama manager trying to get inside Heesun's dorm and was later arrested by the Seoul police department

- In 2010 a Saesang tried to drug Heesun in a café in hong-dae but the worker saw her try to put something in his drink and alerted Heesun's manager and called the police

- In 2006 DR Music added an assistant manager for Mama Manager without throughly checkups her background and it turned out that he was a Saesang, after 3 months DR music fired her.

- In 2019 Heesun formed his own company H.S Entertainment and received advice from JYP, Hitman Bang, Jay Park, and Lee Soo-man.

- On August 3rd 2019 Heesun opened the official H.S Entertainment building

-On September 15th 2019 Heesun revealed that H.S Entertainment would be taking nationwide auditions in South Korea

-On October 1st 2019 Heesun opened online global auditions for H.S Entertainment

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