Chapter 3: First Expedition

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Thursday, May 9th, 1945.

"I'm not sure about this..." Booker says with uncertainty as he has his M14 haversack field bag strapped on his shoulders. Auryon was walking towards the Penn Station after being dropped off by a taxi. "It was already awkward with that taxi driver staring at me."

"Let them stare. It's not like they'll do anything," said Auryon as they went into the station. When going inside, the sound of the station's clunking and screeching filled the area as people waited for a train or greeted friends or family that were dropped off. Auryon looks around to look for a blonde man named Cain. She continues to look around for Cain, but it is challenging to find blonde men around here.

"Find him?" Booker asks Auryon. She sighed and shook her head.

"Excuse me, miss?" called out a man from the crowd with an Austrian accent. Auryon turns to see a blonde white man walking towards them. She openly gaped as she observed his sharp jaw and cheekbones. On either side of his straight nose were two deep ocean-blue eyes. His slicked-back hair was glowing from the sunlight coming from the glass roof. He had the kind of face that would make any girl stop in their tracks. He stopped in front of her. "Are you Auryon Washington?"

"Y-Yeah." Auryon stammered, a bit nervous about the handsome man. "C-Cain Müller, right?"

Cain nodded and smiled at Auryon. "Dr. Morton told me a lot about you. I hope you're as amazing as he said you are."

"Y-You won't be disappointed!"

Booker looks at the two conversing with each other, seeing Auryon's uneasiness in front of Cain made his eye twitch at the blonde. Cain turns to see the black man behind Auryon, Booker's hostility emitting from his glare. He looks back at Auryon and points his finger at Booker.

"Friend of yours?" he asked.

"Oh!" Auryon turns to Booker, gesturing her hand towards him. "This is my friend Booker Gray. He'll be coming with us."

Cain looked at Booker again, examining his muscular physique. He lets out a soft chuckle. "Need him for muscle?"

Booker bowed his head slightly at the Austrian. "I hope I won't be seen as a bother to you."

Cain puts a hand on Booker's shoulder. "Keine Sorge, Booker," he said with a smile. "No need for the formalities, treat me like you treat your friends," he looks at a train conductor shouting that the train will be leaving soon. "We should get going. My other colleagues are already on the train."

Both Auryon and Booker nodded before following Cain into the train.

When going inside the passenger car, Cain leads them into one of the cabins. In the cabin, a dark brown-haired man who looks to be in his forties and a copper-haired young woman with freckles on her face were inside. The young Irish woman was reading a book, paying no attention to us, as the older man looked at Booker.

"Oi, what's with the boy withs ya?" Asked the man with a heavy English accent.

"She's a friend of Auryon Washington," answered Cain. "Professor Morton allowed him to join us, so show him respect, Theo."

The Englishman now known as Theo scoffs at Cain. "Still no reason to let a black man on the same rail as us." 

Booker tried to ignore the English man's glare as he and Auryon sat by the other woman in the cabin. Auryon looked at the copper-haired woman who had her eyes glued on her book. "Hi," she greeted, catching the woman's attention. "What'ya reading?"

The pretty woman looked at Auryon. Her bangs covered parts of the lenses of her round glasses as her emerald eyes stared gently back at the American girl.

"Aesop's Fables." The woman answered shyly. Her Irish accent has a soft and tender tone.

Auryon smiled at her. "I'm Auryon, what's yours?" Asked Auryon.

"Ó-Órla Moore."

Auryon leaned her head close to Órla, looking at the page the Irish woman was on. "Which fable are you reading?"

Órla looked back at the page she was on before answering. "The Farmer and the Viper."

"What's it about?"

"A farmer who helps a freezing viper from the cold," Órla answered. "The viper then bites the farmer, killing him."

Auryon's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect such a dark ending.

"In the summary: the lesson is not to expect an award from the wicked," sighed the Irish woman. "Help an evil person; they'll only stab you in the back later."

Auryon's eyes blinked a bit as she lets out a soft chuckle. "You really like reading Aesop's, huh?"

Órla's lips change into a soft smile as she nodded her head.

An hour later, the train began to move. Only a day and a half until they arrive in Colorado.

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