Chapter 7: First Kill

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"Quit struggling, zicke!" Dearil shouts at Auryon, who was trying to get out of his grip on her neck. She stopped struggling when he pointed her gun at her face.

Despite the rough treatment Auryon is receiving at the moment, at least they had the decency to patch up her bullet wound. But that doesn't mean they removed the bullet from her shoulder.

The two German spies and the American woman were walking around the forest, searching for the hairy beast by following a trail of blood.

"Be gentle with her, Dearil," chuckled Órla. "She's a lady."

Auryon grunts in pain as she feels Dearil's grip tighten around her neck. She looks around, seeing nothing but trees and shrubs. The sun casts long shadows on the ground as slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. The Colorado sky was ablaze with the evening setting sun.

"This must be where it went," Órla said as she pointed at a cave where the trail of blood ends.

"Right," Dearil pushed Auryon towards the cave. "Get a move on, Miss Washington."

Auryon grunted as she was shoved, stumbling towards the ominous cave.

"Move it!" shouted Derail.

She didn't need to turn around; she could feel the gun pointed at the back of her head. Auryon gulped and went inside of the cave.

It was dark, and Auryon couldn't see. Damn, I wished I had a lighter with me, thought Auryon. But I don't smoke, so there's no point in me having a lighter... I did not expect myself to be going into dark places against my will.

Auryon sighs as she continued walking. Since she was blind from the darkness, she stretched her arms out in front of her to feel anything she might walk into. As she did so, her hands touched a hairy, wet surface that felt warm to the touch. She found it.

"I really hope it's you and not a bear," Auryon says fearfully as her body shivers.

The monster moaned lowly, whimpering in pain from the gunshot wounds it received not too long ago.

"Poor thing..." said Auryon pitifully to the creature. She moves her hands up the creature's body, putting her hands on the giant ape's cheeks. "I can't let them take you..."

Auryon felt conflicted. The monster she was once afraid of showed amiability to her. For a creature as large as this one, it is quite gentle. The beast made a low purr noise as Auryon had her hands on its face; she couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Auryon!" shouted Órla. "I hope you're not dead!"

The creature began growling, surprising Auryon as she instinctively began caressing the beast's face.

"It's ok, it's ok," consoled Auryon. "I won't let them hurt you."

The American woman turned around to see the light at the entrance of the cave before looking back in front of her.

"I don't know if you can understand me, but I have a plan," said Auryon as she looked at the monster in the darkness.


"The hell's taking her so long?" Dearil groaned as he sat down on a log.

"Patience, stinkstiefel," Órla narrows her eyes at her comrade, still holding her rifle in hand.

"If I wait any longer, Stalin would have probably spread communism across Europe already," The German man was spinning his pistol around his finger.

The two continued to bicker at each other before they stopped to look at Auryon, who came out of the cave, blood on her hands. She had her head down as she stared at the ground.

Órla looked at Auryon, curious about what happened in the cave. "Where's the ape?" she questioned her, walking up to the American.

Auryon looked at Órla in the eyes and grinned slightly. "Now!"

The hairy monster came out of the cave, roaring as it charged towards Dearil.

"Scheisse!" exclaimed Órla. Before the copper-haired woman could aim at the monster, Auryon grabs the rifle and points it away from the hairy creature.

"Sohn einer Hündin!" shouted Dearil as he shot at the rampaging beast, firing one shot into the monster's shoulder.

Before Dearil could shoot again, the creature grabbed the German man and picked him up. As Dearil struggled in its grasp, the monster threw him into a tree, head first, shattering his skull, killing him instantly.

Auryon threw a punch at Órla's face, grunting from the pain of hitting her. Órla growled at Auryon and stomped onto her foot. She screamed loudly and head-butted the German-Irish woman, making Órla lose her grip on the rifle, but at the same time, making Auryon moan painfully, feeling dizziness from the head-butt.

Auryon composed herself, bringing the butt of the rifle against her shoulder and aimed at Órla, pulling the trigger and firing a bullet into her chest. Auryon yelped in surprise from the recoil of the rifle's discharge. She looks at Órla in shock and instant regret as blood comes out of the Irish girl's bullet wound.

As Órla fell onto the ground on her back, Auryon dropped the gun and immediately ran to her side, kneeling down.

Órla was chuckling and smiled at Auryon, coughing blood out of her mouth. "Congratulations, Auryon Washington," she smirks at the American woman. "Now you're a killer just like me."

Before Auryon could apologize, she saw Órla's eyes turn lifeless. Auryon covered her mouth as her eyes started to shed tears.

She closed her eyes and asked herself, "what have I done?"

Auryon opened her eyes to see the tall-hairy monster stand over her, gently placing its big hand onto her head, consolingly rubbing it.

Auryon wipes the tears off of her eyes and puts her hand on the monster's larger one, telling it to stop as it did so.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she said as she stands up. "We need to go."

After taking car keys from Dearil's corpse, they later found the vehicle he drove here with. A GMC Jimmy cargo truck. Auryon checked the back of the car to find a cage big enough for the creature. When Auryon convinced the monster to get in, she went into the driver's seat and started the truck, driving back to the motel.

Auryon later arrived at the small motel. She needed to know that Booker is safe. After getting out of the truck, she planned on telling the monster in the back to stay, until she heard a gun go off.

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