Chapter 4: It's a Monster

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Friday, May 10th, 1945

"I thought the train would take us directly to Colorado," Auryon groaned as she gets off the last train they took. "I didn't think we were taking multiple trains to get here."

"Expect the unexpected, Miss Washington." chuckled Cain as he exited the train after Auryon.

The last train they took dropped them off at a station in Park County, Colorado. When leaving the station, the area they were in was an isolated landscape of plains and forests. The sky here is a bit cloudy, but rays of sunlight escaped through the cracks of the clouds. The plains were green and yellow, giving off a country-side feel to the county area.

"Our ride will be here soon," said Cain as he looked at the group with him. Auryon and Órla talked more about Aesop's while Booker is still awkward by Theo's prejudice nature.

Later, a black 1941 Cadillac sedan stopped in front of them. The driver seat window rolled down as a rough-looking white man stared at the group. Auryon noticed the driver's rugged face like Spencer Tracy, and he had an intimidating expression.

"You arrived earlier than you normally do, Dearil," chuckled Cain as he walked towards the vehicle. "I thought you'd go senile on your way here."

The driver, now known as Dearil, gave Cain a cheeky grin. "You gon' keep making jokes, or are you gettin' in the car?"

Cain nodded at him and turned to his group. "Everyone ready?"

"You all can go on ahead," said Theo, his eyes looking at a phone booth at the train station entrance. "I'm gonna make a call."

Cain shrugged and got into the vehicle. Booker and Órla went into the backseat of the car as Auryon stopped to look at Theo, wondering why he decided to stay behind. It could be because of his antagonism towards Booker, but that didn't seem to be the case. As she watched Theo go into the phone booth, Cain called out to her.

"Coming with us, Miss Washington?" asked the Austrian man.

Auryon turns around to look at Cain before nodding in response, going into the vehicle before it drove off.

A few hours later, they arrive at a motel where they'll be staying in for the time being. Cain told Auryon and Órla to go to Lost Creek Wilderness, where the creature was spotted a few days ago.

After being dropped off by Dearil, Auryon and Órla went off into the wilderness.

Auryon looked at Órla and noticed a square-shaped device she was holding. It appeared to be a camera like the ones that news reporters would use to take pictures of celebrities, criminals, and politicians. The camera seemed to be big and bulky in Órla's hands, like a little girl trying to pick up a large rock to prove she can be strong like Wonder Woman. She also noticed that the Irish woman is carrying a long, leather, rectangular-shaped bag that's strapped over her shoulders.

"I can carry that for you," Auryon insisted, pointing at the bag Órla was carrying. "My hands are empty, so I can hold it if you want."

Órla looked at the brunette girl next to her and immediately shook her head. "No, no, it's alright!" she said quickly, denying Auryon directly. The nervous redhead looked at the camera she was holding and shortly handed it over to her. "T-Take this instead! I'm not really good with these..."

Auryon was surprised by Órla's overreaction. It shocked her at first until she began to giggle in a soft tone as she took the camera she gave her. She took a glance at the young maiden in front of her. Now that Auryon had a better look at Órla, she realized how young she appears to be. She's not the same age as her, but way younger, probably nineteen or hitting her twenties. The Irish girl is a lot like a teenage girl starting her first year of high school, uncomfortable with everything around her. Auryon saw Órla like a sweet little sister; she needs to keep her eye on always.

Auryon smiled as she held the camera with both hands. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask, ok?"

Órla looked at Auryon, smiling back at her, feeling comfort from Auryon's voice and presence. "O-Okay... thank you."

Oh my god, she's so cute~!  Auryon hides her blushing cheeks as she squirms a bit.

The soothing atmosphere immediately vanished after a loud bellow emitted through the air, startling the two girls.

Auryon started looking around cautiously. "What the hell was that?"

The bellowing continues to emit again. Auryon looked towards the direction of the sound. "I'm sorry, but wait here!" She ordered Órla as she started to run towards the location of the deep, booming roar. She heard her desperate cries to wait, yet she continues to run.

Later, while Auryon was running, she heard the roars become closer as she looked around the area of the forest she is in. The roaring slowly fell silent, and the only sounds being made were chirping birds and the wind. She continued to proceed with caution as she surveys the area. The sun was still out, yet a shadow hovered over her.

A cloud, maybe? Auryon thought to herself. She shortly starts to hear the sound of low growling. Her body freezing as she felt her heart sink. She closed her eyes and started whispering to herself as she turns around slowly.

"Please don't be a bear, please don't be a bear!" Auryon turned around and opened her eyes. Shock crosses her face as her mouth dropped open, seeing a monstrously tall, hairy ape-like creature stare down at her. She stepped back from it, falling on her bottom. "Oh, shit, this is worse than a bear!"

Auryon started to crawl backwards as she watched the hairy creature stare at her until she bumped into a tree. She held tightly onto the camera in her hands as she fears for her life as the monster took a step closer towards her. She was so scared; she felt like she might cry.

The monster made a low hum noise as it stared at Auryon. Despite its intimidating appearance, the creature's black eyes stared at her consolingly.

Auryon was confused by the monster before her. She thought she was going to be eaten, but it seemed to be friendly.

"Y-You're not going to hurt me?" Auryon asked the creature.

The hairy monster responded with a grunt.

Auryon wipes a tear off her eye as she chuckles. "Guess not, huh?" She looks at the camera in her hand before looking back up at the monster. "There's gonna be a flash that may mess with your eyes for a bit, so can you cover your eyes for me?"

The monster tilted it's head a bit in confusion.

"You know, like this," Auryon covered her eyes with the palm of her hand before uncovering them. "Now, you try."

The monster started to use both of its hands to cover its eyes. Auryon smiled at the beast imitating her like a pet owner would when their dog does tricks.

"All right then," Auryon aimed the camera the giant ape. "Say cheese!"


Instead of the sound of a camera flash, the sound of a rifle firing echoed through the calm air.

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