Chapter 6: Lowest of Scum

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Auryon panted heavily, seeing Órla pointing the rifle barrel at her face.

"Ó-Órla," Auryon stammers, fearing for her life. "W-What are you talking about?"

The Irish girl sighed at the brunette woman, clicking her tongue a few times. "Mein Gott, I hate explaining this shit," Órla sighs at her. "Why should I tell you anyway?"

Did she just speak German? Auryon thought to herself. She was confused about why a young Irish woman would be speaking German.

"I-I just wanna know why," Auryon shuddered.

Órla narrows her eyes at the American woman. "Listen, your big-hairy friend is critical for research, once we're done with it, we'll put it in a zoo."

Auryon was still confused about what Órla was talking about. Who is this we're she's speaking off? What's so important about the monster next to her? Who the hell is she really? All these questions flooded Auryon's mind, begging for an answer on why this is happening to her.

Then she starts to remember... she remembers Cain speaking German as well. It can't be... can it?

"You and Cain..." Auryon spoke hesitantly. "You're both German officers... you're both Nazis."

Órla stared at Auryon with a blank face before smirking at her. "What gave it away? Was it the use of German tongue?" she quipped. "If we weren't in this situation, you wouldn't have gone to that conclusion."

The Irish woman pointed her rifle away from Auryon. "I may not look German, but I was raised in Berlin," she explains. "The Irish accent was just to keep suspicions away from me."

"Y-Your leader killed millions of people!" Airtime shouted at her.

Órla scoffs at her, narrowing her eyes. "Millions of people die in wars anyway. Hitler and Himmler just made the death toll higher because of their prejudice."

Auryon was enraged by Órla. She had her hands clenched into fists and grits her teeth. The Irish woman's lack of empathy makes her want to puke. The times she thought she was bonding with Órla was nothing but a ruse. It didn't only break Auryon's heart; it made her blood boil. She wanted to do something, take action and fight off the deceiver. But Órla's a soldier; not only is she trained in combat, but she is also armed with a Mauser rifle. Auryon wouldn't stand a chance.

"Dearil and Theo... are they with you and Cain too?" Auryon questioned, wanting more answers.

"Dearil is, but not Theo," Órla grins amusingly. "When Edward introduced us to Theodore as a 'biologist from Oxford', Cain gathered some information on his background," she lets out a soft giggle. "The SIS agent thought he could fool us, even you and your negro friend, by posing as a black-hater."

Auryon stood up, glaring at Órla, her hands still clenched.

"If Theo really wanted his act to be believable, he should've called Booker a dirty nig—"

Before Órla could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Auryon's fist, landing straight into her face. The hit was sloppy, but was still hard enough to knock Órla onto the ground and making her drop her rifle.

Auryon hissed in pain, holding the fist that she used to punch Órla. This was the first time she's ever hit someone. While the copper-haired woman was still on the ground, Auryon quickly grabbed the rifle and pointed it at her.

Órla was laughing as her nose bled from her nostrils. She sits up and looks at Auryon with amusement before standing back up.

"Very unladylike to throw your first hit with a punch," she snickered, looking up at Auryon. "Hell, you don't even know how to hold a rifle properly."

"I'm not afraid to shoot you." Auryon growls at Órla, she was shaking as she held the rifle.

"Yes, you are," giggled Órla as she watched her in anticipation. "I'm not even surprised. You're just a sweet, city girl, who never had the experience of taking a life."

Auryon bit her lip as she pointed the rifle at her, hesitating to pull the trigger. She panted heavily, unsure of killing Órla or not. She may be a Nazi, but she's still a human being... right?

"Go ahead and do it, Auryon!" dared Órla. "Shoot me! You know you wanna!"

Auryon looks away and closes her eyes. The rifle pointed at Órla's head.


A loud gunshot echoes through the forest. Auryon cried in pain as she opened her eyes to see a bullet wound in her right shoulder. She dropped the gun and stumbled down into the ground. She looked to see Dearil, who was the one who fired a shot from his pistol as he ran towards Órla.

"Where the hell is the monster?!" Dearil questioned Órla.

The monster? Auryon widened her eyes and looked where the hairy creature was last lying down and saw that it was gone.

"Son of a bitch." Órla groans as Dearil looked at her with an annoyed look.

"Where are we gonna find it now?!" Derail asked her.

Órla looks at the injured Auryon and grins. "The creature took an interest in her when I found it... let's use her as bait."

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