Chapter 5: Wolves in Sheeps Clothing

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The monster in front of Auryon bellowed in pain. She moved away from it as the creature collapses against the tree. She is shocked to see the bullet wound in its back, blood staining its fur. Auryon looked to see who fired the shot and saw Órla, holding a semi-automatic rifle she had aimed at the whimpering beast.

"Don't move, Auryon," ordered Órla in a monotonous voice. The once shy-timid girl approached Auryon and the creature like a cold-blooded hunter approaching her prey, her rifle still aimed at the beast.

"Ó-Órla, what are you doing?" the American girl stammered, shocked to see Órla's sudden personality changed.

Auryon watched Órla stand before the wounded beast.  As the monster attempts to get back up, Orla shot another bullet into the monster's back. The hairy beast roared in pain from the second shot piercing through its flesh as it collapses back onto the ground.

"Órla, stop!" Auryon got up and ran towards the Irish girl, grabbing the rifle and pointing it away from the creature. Órla looked at her with an annoyed glare and kneed her in the stomach before shoving her away.

Auryon grunted in pain as she fell to the ground and holds her stomach. She looked up at the redhead who pointed her rifle at her.

"You're a good person, Auryon," said Órla as she pointed her rifle at the American woman. "I have nothing against you, but I must do my job."


Booker was sitting down on a velvet couch in the living room of the motel they were staying. He was talking to Dearil before he left to pick up Auryon and Orla half-an-hour ago. Cain told him he needed to do some work in the bedroom and needed privacy, so he couldn't talk to him to pass the time.

Booker sighed and scratched the back of his buzz-cut head and thought to himself, Wish Auryon was here...

The front door suddenly swung open as Booker turned around to check who it was. Thinking it'd be Auryon and the others coming back, he got up from the couch to welcome them until he saw Theo, who was the one who opened the door as he immediately sat back down.

Shit, I completely forgot about this guy!

When Booker looked at Theo, the British man saw Booker's stare and gave him the stink eye. Booker felt his spine shiver as he turned his head away from the older man's gaze. Him being here is going to be a real pain...

He turned his head back at Theo, seeing him walk towards the room where Cain is inside.

"Umm, Theo?"

"What?" Theo stopped and turned around to look back at the young black man, his gaze intimidating Booker. "Hell, do you want?"

Booker hesitated to speak before finally doing so. "Cain is in that room, and he doesn't want anyone to come in and bother him."

Theo looked impatient, like a soldier hurrying to the battlefield after being ordered to do so.

"Just stay out of my way, black boy," he ordered angrily before turning back around to the door. "Don't get yourself involved." He opened it before going inside the room and closing from behind him.

Shit, I really wish Auryon was here. Booker sighed as he lowers his face into his hand. Why am I so compliant?


1928, Manhattan, Christmas Eve

Ten-year-old Booker Gray was walking down the 14th street between lower and midtown Manhattan. He wore an old brown trench coat that was big enough to cover the jeans and sweater vest he wore, a grey newsboy cap, and boots that were two inches too big. It wasn't great, but it was good enough to keep him warm from the cold snow.

The people who passed by the young black boy didn't mind or acknowledged him; just continued walking like he never existed. It's better than being slandered for the way I look.

Booker went into an empty alleyway before sitting down next to a garbage can. He sighed to himself. He should be home, but his father had to work, and his mother... she was never around.

"Excuse me?" Asked a chiming voice.

Booker turned to see a ten-year-old white girl with a brown ponytail standing beside him. He was shocked to see her but didn't move from his position.

"What's your name?"

Booker hesitated to answer. He felt like he shouldn't speak to her because she was different from him, and people that are different from each other shouldn't be around one another.

"My name is Auryon Washington," she gave him a sweet, innocent smile that comforted Booker and gave him a type of warmth the jacket he wore can never offer. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want you."

Booker was still unsure if he should answer or not. But after hearing what she said, he finally decided on his own.

"Booker Gray... my name is Booker Gray."


Booker looked at the door of the room Cain and Theo were currently in. He approached the door and opened it before walking in.

"I'm sorry, Theo, but I'm not gonna—" Booker stopped and saw Theo pointing a Webley revolver at Cain, who was sitting down at a desk with a weird machine on it.

The two looked at the black man standing at the doorway.

"Booker!" Cain shouted. "Tell Theodore to put the gun down!"

"Damn it, boy! I told you not to get yourself involved!" Theo snapped at Booker as he kept his revolver pointed at the Austrian's head.

Booker was still shocked but also confused about why Theo was pointing a gun at his colleague.

"Leave the room now!" The British man ordered. 

"T-Theo, you've been drinking again?" Cain asked hesitantly. He looked scared of what will happen. "P-Put the gun away, man."

Booker has dealt with a lot of situations during his time in the war, but never had he been in a hostage situation before. So, he was uncertain of what to do. He decides to figure out why Theo's doing this.

"Tell me why you have a gun pointed at Cain!" Booker demanded an answer.

Theo grit his teeth and presses the barrel onto Cain's head. "Because this man is a fucking nazi!"

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