Night Terrors And Neighbors

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Ben laid in his bed thinking about Rey, how could someone like her ever join the dark side or even help him out of the dark pit he fell into. Ben didnt even want to fall asleep knowing she was next door, not even thinking of him or his stupid problems. He could her small pots clinking together indicating she was baking.His eyes weighed down on his exhausted face and finally dosed into a heavy state of sleepiness.

In the flat next door, Rey baked apsent minded. She was thinking about her new friends then thinking about home. She missed the few friends that she had but was glad to be in Texas in the finest marching band. She dropped a small spoon making a sound that rang through the silent apartment and was soon followed by BB-8 beeping at her for making such sound as he tried to sleep."Sorry BB, im just baking, go back to bed" Rey whispered turning around to face the droid.BB-8 beeped angerly in response then whipped around and went back to Rey's room and rolled onto his bed made of old parts and foam.

Rey sang a quiet melody under her breath trying to break the deadly silence.

The city's on fire, the streets are a riot
Now look at this place, no one is safe
No one is safe from you
Oh, look what you've started
It's a history of violence
Now look at your face, no one is safe
No one is safe from you

As she sang the song that stuck to her all the way through childhood, a loud Masculine scream rang through the next door apartment and into her silent apartment filling the air with a ice cold chill of fear. She jolted in suprise, almost knocking over her pots and ran for her walking staff that sat at the front door and stood in a fighting stance. She slowly opened the heavy door and walked out and next door to her neighbor's house hesitating to nock but finally did.

No answer.

Rey felt horrible to not check on her neighbor and wanted to help if someone was in serious trouble. She went back to her apartment and turned off the stove just in case she was over there for a while. BB-8 rounded the corner again beeping angerly at Rey for waking him up for the second time that night. "Sorry BB, im going next door to see if our neighbor is ok." Rey said leaving the room and walking back to the dark door, staff in hand ready to swing. She raised her shaking hand, and on pure adrenaline, knocked again.

No answer.

Rey thought for a while on what she should do, confused as to why no one answered after knocking two times. Then horrible thoughts ran through her head, what if it was a murder? Our an abduction? She quickly silenced them and trouble shot on what to do next. Then she thought about the door nob. Stupid, check the door nobody, the thing that literally opens the kriffen door. she thought silently cursing her stupidity and once again brought her shaking hand to the door nob and twisted it slowly. Surprisingly the door opened and Rey got into a fighting stance, ready to beat any intruder.

"Hello?" She said with a shaky voice as she took a few steps into the apartment. The flat was dark and cold, fear hung in the air as silent "nos' " rang through the back of the apartment. She examined the flat and was surprised at the color, black was this person's favorite color, very evident in the accessories and walls. Rey rounded the corner that lead to the living room and heard soft Sobs become more evident and the "nos' " became quieter.

"Who's here?" She said a bit louder than she wanted to, biting her lip at the volume she used. The sobbing stopped and foot steps ran through the apartment. Rey feared what came next, she saw nothing, but heard everything. She felt like a blind mouse about to be attacked by its predator.

Rey head the foot steps coming closer and pivoted on her heel to face the imposter who was evident in the hallway she stood in. "Who are you?" Rey shouted raising her staff higher almost ready to knock the person that stood in front of her out.

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