Pep-Rallies and Games Pt.1

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Rey woke to her stupid alarm playing the song she knew and loved. She turned to quiet the loud alarm clock but instead of silence, she heard BB-8 messing around in her room, most likely wanting out of the stuffy and messy room. "I'm up...I'm up..." She stammered, sitting up in her warm bed. She pulled off her sheets and was soon engulfed in a nice breeze from the window she left open from the night before. She slowly climbed out of bed and opened her door as BB-8 rolled out happy to leave the room. "Can you make breakfast BB!?" She yelled as she ran to the frame of the door and leaning out to watch BB-8 run down the hall. The round droid beeped in response and rounded the corner to the kitchen. "Thanks BB!!" She yelled then closed her door.

As she got dressed, Ben woke up to yelling and movement in the flat. He sat up in the yellow bed and realized he was not in his own apartment. Memoeries from the night before flooded his mind and remebered that he stayed the night at Rey's flat. He quickly and quietly got dressed for marching band then stepped out of his room.

He heard pots moving in the kitchen and thought Rey was cooking. He quietly walked down the hall and rounded the corner only to see the same droid from the school. "Good morning..." He whispered sitting down in the chair that sat in front of the bar and placing his hands on his face and leaning onto the counter. The droid beeped in response to his good morning then turned to the pot and kept cooking.

Rey finally finished packing and walked into the kitchen with her bags in tow. "Good morning." Rey said ruffling Ben's fluffy hair, making it messier then it already was. Then she walked over to the droid and took a bite of the eggs and sausage he made. "Thanks BB for breakfast. Ben, you hungry?" Rey asked looking over at him, he nodded absent minded and Rey kept making breakfast for them both.

As she gave Ben his breakfast, the door bell rang through the silent flat, Rey wondered who it could be and walked over with caution to the door. She opened the door and there stood Poe and Finn. "Hey Rey, thought we could car pull-" Finn said lowering his voice as he peered in and saw Ben sitting at her bar. "What is he doing here!?" Finn yelled causing Poe to wonder about what was happening.

Rey frowned at her friend as he scowled at Ben. "He came over for Breakfast, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?" Rey calmly said cocking her head to the side and showing sass in her posture, grabbing Finn's attention away from Ben. "Now, are you here for breakfast? We have plenty!" Rey exclaimed, trying to change the mood of the flat to a positive vibe, it has experienced so much negative emotion, it hung in the air like a smell that would be hard to rid the flat of.

The boys walked in and Rey fixed them some breakfast tacos then sat down and ate hers.

They ate silently until Rey's phone went off saying it was time to go to practice. They grabbed their bags then left the flat and walked to Rey's truck.

They piled in and started heading to school. When they arrived the tension in the truck finally calmed down and everyone was talking to each other quietly, even Ben was showing some amusement at how Finn was still having problems with spacing in a 6/8 step and a 16/8 step.

They got out of the truck and grabbed their things from the trunk before walking into the royal purple band hall. Poe held the door open for the group and all walked to the farthest locker room to place their things next to their lockers. After marching on the field and practicing their spirit show, they were all in the bathrooms changing and getting ready for the day.

Rey wore her black cowboy boots, jeans, and a tank top to match that had the Resistance symbol on it. She finished dressing and walked into the band hall and hung out with Finn and Poe in the locker room, waiting for Ben to finish getting ready for school.

As Ben walked into the room, Hux and phasma greeted him with open arms. "Hey Hux, Phasma, what's up?" Ben asked, hoping this will go by quick.

"Well we have some news on the Resistance, they plan on having a meeting for the newbee Rebel Scum after the game! We should crash it!" Hux exclaimed, hoping Ben would say yes. "I don't know-" Ben started but was cut off by a feminine voice yelling, "Ben, you ready?" from the locker room.

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