New Memories

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          As I walked along the path back up the cliff, I was talking to Phoenix. Apparently we could communicate via telepathy. Along the way we came across a small pond. Looking at my reflection, I noticed that my left eye was now red even though I remember both my eyes being blue like my right eye. My long hair was now without it's band that kept it in a  pony tail, so now it was sticking up a bit with a reddish color that I don't remember it having.

          "This change is due to my soul being present within yours." Phoenix said. "Whenever you use a certain amount of my power, your hair will become red like it is now. It should settle back to it's normal color in a bit, however, your left eye will remain as it is now." As he said this, my hair settled down into it's normal black color. Unfortunately, my now mismatched eyes will cause a lot of questions to be asked in the future.

          Well, I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it. At the moment, I was sifting through my new memories. For as long as I can remember from this life, Malty and I seemed to have some sort of rivalry going on. I was a bit jealous that Malty was ahead of me in line for the throne, and Malty seemed to dislike the fact that I was more talented than her.

          Whenever we were being shown how to do something, I would end up taking to it faster, and more easily than Malty could. In turn, whenever she managed to gain the upper hand, she would hold her title as crown princess over my head to annoy me. I would then do my best to do better than her, and the cycle would continue.

          I always admired the royal knights, and wanted to be like them. So I started training with them to become a knight. I would go out and kill some balloons during the day with supervision from the guards, and they would train me in how to use a sword. When our parents and the guards praised me for it, Malty started to join in too. But since I started before her, I was always ahead.

          Malty, upset that I was better than her at this, decided to learn magic so that she could surpass me. We both went to the magic shop, and after finding out that I had magic in every category while she had strong fire and wind magic, she got upset. On our way back, the two of us had an argument over who was actually better at magic. She insisted that since her affinity with fire and wind was stronger than mine, that she was better, while I was saying that I was better due to having more types of magic. Which lead to the predicament I'm in now. Looking back on it, this whole rivalry was just childish and the fact that it culminated with me being thrown off a cliff is just plain ridiculous.

          "There he is!" I heard someone say. I looked up from my musings to see the royal guard coming my way looking relieved. "Are you alright Prince Matthew."

          "Yes." I replied. "But I felt some sort of strange magic when I was falling down here. If it's okay, I'd like to visit the magic shop again." The guard then seemed to notice my eyes and reluctantly agreed.

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