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Thunder roared outside my window and lightning streaked across the sky. I had always had a love of storms, ever since I was a child. I never understood why the other kids screamed when the bolts of pure energy struck. I found it fascinating, the way my ears rang from the sound and the way the earth shook from the intense blast of heat. It amazed me every time.

I sat by my window sill, listening to wind rustling the trees and the rain drops hitting my window pane. My fingers flipped through the pages of the book open in my lap, not a care in the world. My large German Shepard lay at my feet, her head resting on my legs.

Suddenly, everything went quiet. There was no rain, wind, thunder, nothing. Not even Maggie, my dog, made a sound. I closed my book and snapped my fingers near my ear to see if I had lost my hearing, but as soon as I did, a large bolt of lightning hit my window. Glass flew everywhere and I could see poor little Maggie cower away in fear. I fell to the ground, only... there was no ground. 

I fell, but I kept falling. My body twisted an turned in different directions, my long red hair whipping around in every which way. Images flashed in front of my face and information was crammed into my brain, it felt like my head was going to explode from the sheer amount. The ground was approaching me fast. Panicked, I crossed my arms over my face, not wanting to see myself smash into the floor.

Laughter filled my ears and removed my arms to see me standing on the ground. My head spun around in every direction, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened. Confused as all hell, my mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"That was fun!" Someone said.

Startled, I fell on my backside. "Who's there!?"

"You know who I am." The same voice spoke. The outline of a person came into view, the only defining feature about them being their pearly white smile. "I am TRUTH."

"But that's not possible..." I stood up and pointed at him. "You're just a fictional character!"

He frowned at me. "After all that you've just seen, you still think I'm fake?" He didn't sound too happy with what I said. He shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't matter. The price you paid is real enough."

Price? Oh shit. The price for the gate. Think Addie, think!

"What do you want from me?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, I already got what I wanted." He smirked. "See you soon Adeline."

"Wait, what did you-!" Was all I could manage to say before he blinked out of existence.

I was surrounded my trees and flora of all types. Frustrated, I drove my fist into the soft dirt. My breathing was heavy and my heart was racing, but my mind was blank. My eyes widened when I saw the red paint next to my fist. My eyes ran along the outline of a red circle with strange markings along the inside of it. But what unnerved me the most was that I was in the middle of it. No one was around me, but my heart sank when I saw the piles of clothes, but no bodies.

"What the hell!?"

My mind was racing. There was no possible way that this was real! I couldn't be in FMA it was impossible!

I tugged at my hair trying to figure out what the hell was going on, but the only explanation I could think of was that this place was real and some idiots summoned me or something. But that's ridiculous. Right?

I stumbled over my bare feet as I walked along the road, the moon being the only thing to light my way. The thin white nightgown provided little warmth as I tugged the red cardigan tight around my shoulders, my breath visible.

Tragedy of the heart FMABOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora