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I groaned and peeled my eye lids open. My shoulder ached unbearably, but the bleeding had slowed thanks to a dirty rag that was wrapped around it. Maggie whimpered and nuzzled me gently to see if I was okay. I went to pet her nose to reassure her, but I couldn't move. Shackles around my wrists and neck made it nearly impossible to move. I glanced over Maggie and saw that she wasn't hurt too badly, but she had a muzzle on and a leash that kept her from moving too much.

It was dark where we were, but I could still make out the metal bars of a cage. I shouted for someone to help us, but all I heard was the sound of footsteps. Someone holding a candle came into view and flicked on the lights. I squinted at the sudden change but my eyes widened at what I saw.

Nina was tied up on the floor and Alexander was held their by a leash that had been staked to the floor. He was whimpering and nudging Nina who was unconscious. Tucker smiled at them evilly and popped his knuckled.

"Don't you dare hurt them!" I shouted.

"So you're awake?" His grin widened. "Just in time for the show."

He slammed his hands down on the circle and I shouted at him, tears flowing freely down my face. Nina's eyes shot open and she screamed in pain as her bones cracked and dislocated themselves only to be realigned somewhere else. Her muscles were being torn and melted together with Alexanders. I heard the crunching of cartilage being mushed together and watched her skin be torn and remolded over and over. The screaming didn't stop for what seemed like forever, but was merely a few minutes.

My breathing was heavy and my throat was raw from sobbing. I didn't want to look. I didn't want to see that I had failed to protect her.

I didn't want to see the face of the man that I wanted to kill.

Tucker marched over to me and reached through the bars. He gripped my jaw tightly and forced my head up, but my eyes were shut tightly.

"Open your eyes girlie." He sneered.

"No..." I croaked.

I heard a bang and then Maggie whimpering. Knowing I had no choice, I slowly opened my eyes. I wanted to puke. Nina and Alexander were no longer there. Instead, a white beast with a long brown mane sat in their place.

"You'll... pay... for this!" I tried to shout at him, but my voice came out raspy and pathetic.

"I would like to see you try."

The next few hours were torture.

Tucker moved Maggie to a different cage and whenever I tried to defy him, he would threaten to hurt her. Tucker took blood samples and made me drink different liquids to see what kind of pain my body could endure.

It was hell.

I only stayed conscious for around two hours before darkness consumed me.


The door to the mansion opened and Al stuck his head inside, Ed tapping his foot impatiently. The two of them wanted to get an early start so they had some time to see Addie and how she was doing. They hadn't seen her in a while and Ed was becoming antsy. it was obvious that she was an amazingly talented young woman, but he was nervous about her surpassing him and wanted to see what she had learned during her stay.

She must have been working hard. Every time he asked Tucker if he could see her, he would give some excuse. Like, she was busy studying and didn't want to be bothered, or that she was in his lab practicing and not to disturb her.

The brothers were surprised when they weren't greeted by Nina and Alexander like they usually were, it made them a little concerned. Cautiously, they entered the house and looked around, trying to see if they were home. They called out to their friends, but received no reply.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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