FullMetal Alchemist

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It has been two day since I arrived in Cental Command. I did as I said I would and did a few odd jobs here and there in exchange for housing and some food. As for my cloths, I transmuted my nightgown and cardigan into a pale pink sweater and a pair of black legings. For shoes, the hotel owner gave me her daughters old pair of brown boots and a matching jacket to wear in exchange for transmuting her granddaughter a stuffed toy.

I tied my hair into twin braids that hung over my shoulders under my hood. I was able to mimic what Ed did to this hair when he was on the run and 'died' my hair blonde so I would blend in a little better.

It was dark out, much like the night I first arived in this God foresaken land. Dont get me wrong, I'm excited to be here, its just that the people are so much colder than they appeared in the show.

As I was walking by, I heard something like static. When I looked up, a bridge of ice was evaporating over my head. I smiled knowing EXACTLY what was going on.

I ran through the streets of the city, hoping that I would get there in time to see the action, or maybe even help out. I passed by an alley that had several stone Armstron heads sticking out of its walls and peeked around the corner. There, I saw Issac brushing away the rubble on the transmutation circle he had drawn.

"Thats far enough."

Oh my God.

"I was wondering what you were doing in this alley so I came back to check it out. And BINGO."

THE Edward Elric was standing just a few meters ahead of me. I was trying my hardest not to go total fangirl, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

"Theres nowhere to run this time!"

OMG its Alphonse. I can die happy now!

"Clearly, but who's running?" The circle at his feet began to glow a bright red.

Okay, maybe I dont want to die just yet!

Frost crept along the walls and ground, not leaving a single inch untouched. A wall of ice blocked me from Issac and the boys. I huffed and kicked it into high gear. I ran around the building and jumped the fence, landing somewhay gracefully on my feet. I made it just in time to see Issac thrown out of the alley and into a metal bar fence.

"Alright! Nice work Al!" Ed praised his brother.

"We still have to stop his alchemy!"

"I know. So where is it? You have a philospiphers stone, dont you?" Ed approached him carefully.

"What are you talking about?" Issac played dumb, but the smile on his face told a different story.

"I wont ask again. Where is it?!"

"What are you going to do boy? You're out of your leauge!" The water behind Issac froze and began to rise up. The fence behind him got caught on it and broke off, Issac grabbed hold of it and was lifted off of the ground.

The ice crept closer to me. The only thing I could think of doing was run aftet the brothers. When we passed Armstrong, I couldnt help but feel a little giddy inside, aside from the fact that I might get us all killed ina few minutes. I picked up the pace and was now running beside Ed who gave me a strange look.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.


"I'm a friend!" I shouted over the sounds of crumbling ice and stone. 

Armstrong's plan backfired when the Ice changed directions. Ed shouted at him for making it worse and Armstong apologized saying that hew as trying to help.

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