Stormy Weather

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I stood in front of Mustang's desk, my hands behind my back. I still felt a little guilty for nearly killing him with my newfound alchemy, but he did kinda deserve it. Mustang has been avoiding me for the last two days. The Fuhrer was nice enough to give me lodging in the same apartment complex as the Elrics free of charge so I didnt have to worry about living with the bastard like we originaly planned.

Mustang held a manilla folder and tore it open. He slid out the pocket watch and handed it to me which I gladly put in... Dammit! I didnt transmute pockets for my cloths! Aw well. The chain for the watch was long enough, I wrapped it around my neck and transmuted a latch before tucking it under my sweater. Mustang didnt question it. Next, the raven pulled out a packet of papers and unfolded them. Mustang began to read it out loud, but I wasnt paying attention. All I wanted to know was my alchemist name.

"I herby give the name: Storm Alchemist to the one and only Adaline Richards, in the name of Fuhrer King Bradley."

"Storm huh?" Mustang repeated. "It fits."

"I like it." I smiled a little. "I've always loved storms, so this works for me!"


The Elric brothers returned a few days later. I wanted to go to Liore with them, but I didnt mind. Instead, I went shopping with the little amount of money I had been given by Mustang. I ended up buying a new outfit that made me look like a Kim Possible cosplayer if I had my red hair. I still had my jacket and boots though, I didn't want to give them up. I saw the brothers again while they were turning in their report. I had kicked in the door, marched up to them and slung my arms over Ed's shoulders. He didnt know who I was at first, since all he saw were black long sleeves since my jacket was tied around my waist. He was an inch taller than me, so it wasnt too bad.

But I felt so short.

"Addie? What are you doing here?" Al asked suprised.

I smirked and yanked my pocket watch out of the pocket of my brand new camo cargo pants and flashed it at them. "Take a look boys."

"Your a State Alchemist now huh?" Ed mumbled. "What name did they give you?"

"Storm..." Mustang said dangerously. "You had better fix that door."

"B-but sir, you know I cant do that, right?"

Ed and Al were confused as all hell, so Mustang had to explain to them that I was still a noob to alchemy and that I had litteraly done my first transmutation only a week and a half ago. He had trouble admiting that I had kicked his ass in a fight even though I didnt throw a single punch at him. Ed laughed at him when he heard that he was beat by "A little girl."

A tick mark appeared on my forehead. Al tried to warn his brother about what was comming his way, but I zapped him before he could. I seriously just poked him and his hair was sticking out in every direction, smoke came out of his mouth and his eye was twitching.


Ed's head ticked as he slowly looked at me, his mouth gaping open and his brow furrowed. He clenched his teeth and punched the back of my head. I fell to my knees and clutched the back of my head.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He shouted.


"YOU DESRVED IT!" He pulled his hand back and I flinched in pain. Some of my hair had come out of its braid and was now tangled in his gears. We both groaned and Al was trying to suppress his laughter.

We sat on the couch trying to untangle my hair, but to no avail. Mustang had to retrieve Riza to help us. She really is a magic worker. She managed to untangle my hair in just a few minutes. I sighed in relief and brushed my fingers affectionately through my hair while Ed was kissing his hand, happy that he wouldn't have to get a wrench to the head for forgetting his gloves.

"Addie, come sit here." Riza pointed to the floor in front of her.

I nodded and didn't protest when she combed her fingers through my hair gently. It felt... good. I closed my eyes and let her do her thing. I haven't had someone do this for me in a while. Mom died when I was a baby, so Dad was always the one to do things like this. He was terrible when it came to girlie stuff, but we had fun and that's all that I cared about. There were some occasions where I wished I had a mother figure in my life, but I knew in my heart that it wouldn't happen, and that was okay.

Maybe I could have that now.

I felt tears well up in my eyes at the thought of maybe having a family again. I mean, I already had "Uncle Hughes", who's to say I wont have another addition soon?

Riza finished with my hair and handed me a pocket mirror so I could see her handy work. I had to say, it was amazing. My blonde hair was pulled up into an elegant but with a braid holding it up. This way, it would stay out of my eyes and I could run around without worry of it getting caught on anything.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?" Riza asked worried.

"Huh? No, I like it."

"Then why are you crying?"

I quickly wiped my eyes with my sleeve and stood up, handing Riza back her mirror. "No reason." Riza frowned but didn't press any further. I had a feeling that she was going to ask later if we were alone. "So what's the plan now?"

Mustang smirked at me and handed Ed and I some files. "Since you are still new to alchemy, I thought I would find you a teacher of sorts."

My eyes widened and I flipped open the file. My heart dropped when I say the name. Shou Tucker.


"As for you two..." He looked to Ed and Al. " I thought it might help if you consulted a specialist. He is known as the Sewing-Life Alchemist. He has done some intense research into chimera transmutation. I'll introduce you three to him."

"You would do that for us?" Al asked.

Ed flung himself out of his seat and pointed an accusing finger at Mustang. "Okay, what's the catch!? You want something don't you!?"

"Don't doubt my motives! I'm trying to repay you for your work on the Liore case!" He yelled at Ed. "Doing you a favor is better than being indebted to you..." He mumbled the last part to himself but I heard him loud and clear.

Ed couldn't wait, so we were on our way in one of the cars provided by the military. Mustang continued reading the file to us about Tucker, but I didn't want to hear any of it.

"Two years ago, Tucker transmuted a chimera that could understand the human speech. That earned him his certification as a State Alchemist." Mustang said.

I ignored him and watched the scenery pass by the window. I placed my cheek in my hand and sighed. How they didn't understand what the poor creature was, was beyond me. I mean, if alchemy is the law of equivalent exchange, then you would have to transmute something that had the mental capability of speech. He could have used a parakeet, but no, where's the fun in that?

Note the sarcasm.

I felt Mustang dig his elbow into my ribs and I sent a small shock at him, warning him to try that again.

"Were you even listening to me?"

"Yeah yeah. Shou Tucker, talking chimera, wanted to die, starved to death, two years ago, blah blah blah."

"I don't recall telling you how long ago it was." Mustang narrowed his eyes at me. "How did you know that?"

Oops. I really need to watch out for that kind of thing.

"I read an article about him while in the library the other day." I lied smoothly.

He seemed to buy it, but most likely he will check with the librarians to see if I was actually there. Lucky for me, I was. I wanted to find a recipe book for muffins since I was craving one and my room had a small kitchenette connected to it, unlike Ed and Al's.

We pulled into the driveway and I couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer size of the place. It looked big on screen, but in person, it was a freaking mansion!

"This place is huge..." Ed murmured. I nodded my had in agreement and Mustang rang the door bell.

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