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Edward and Adaline squirmed under the weight of the dogs, finally, they wiggled free. Addie was hunched over, her hands on her knees while Ed was leaning against a shelf.

"So Alexander and Maggie wanna play huh?" I mumbled.

"You've bested me twice dog..." Ed grumbled at Alexander. "But play time is over... I WILL NOT LOSE THIS TIME! I, EDWARD ELRIC, WILL USE MY CONSIDERABLE POWERS TO VANQUISH YOU!"

"Oh Maggie~" Addie called sweetly. Maggie tilted her head at me innocently. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" She shouted.

Maggie and Alexander ran away from them while her and Ed broke into a sprint to catch them. they ran all over the house, trying to keep up with them, to no avail. The sun was setting and once again, Ed had been pinned under Alexander while Addie was sitting on the ground, Maggie next to her owner, her brown tail swishing from side to side.

Ed and Al left with Havok who took them home. I was to stay with Tucker so he could give me a few one on one lessons. I was against the idea, but I couldn't think of a good enough excuse without telling them the truth. I decided that my secret was far more important than me being comfortable. After all, I had Maggie with me this time.

Tucker showed me my room at the end of a long hall. It was plain but had enough space for both me and Maggie to sleep. There was a large bed on one wall while a desk was tucked into the corner near a window. The closet was empty, but I didn't need any clothes besides the ones in my black satchel and the ones on my back.

I sat my bag down on the bed and followed Tucker out to the back yard where a large patch of dirt was.

"Draw a circle." He instructed.


"A circle. You should know how to do a basic one right?"

Oh shit. If finds out that I met truth without giving anything up or having done alchemy before then I'm screwed. I thought hard back the show, trying to remember a basic circle. One came to mind and I quickly sketched it into the dirt with a stick I found. It was a simple one made of four circles. Three of them over lapping each other to form a triangle with one large circle etched around them. I placed my hands on the ground, near the edge of the circle, and watched as it glowed a pale green.

When the light disappeared, nothing happened at first, but after a few seconds, something popped out of the ground. I watched as a flower bud slowly grew out of the ground and bloomed. I was shocked to see that the circle worked but even more so when I saw the flower was a single blue rose.

But that was from FMA, this is FMAB, right? Whatever.

I half expected Tucker to cratique me, but I was met with silence. I looked up at him and saw a confused expression on his face. I asked him what was wrong and he shook his head.

"I have never seen a circle like that before, let alone being able to speed up the growth process..."

What? Oh shit.

It was a deign flaw in FMA when Ed grew flowers because they were living things grown from a seed. If you were to do that, you should have had to pay a price for speeding up time. I just did the same thing and nothing happened to me.

"I was informed that you were called the Storm Alchemist, is this correct?" I nodded my head. "Show me."

At this point, I was panicking. I didnt know any transmutation circles for anything storm related and if I messed up again, then I was screwed. If the first circle worked, then maybe...

I decided to go with my gut. I formulated what I wanted the circle to look like and drew it in the dirt. It was another simple one, a triangle inside a cirlce, but it had rounded points that dipped towards the center. Along the side of the triangle, I wrote Tempestas, which was lating for storm.

I placed my shakey hands down on the rim of the circle and watched as it glowed the same way as the last one did. The air around us picked up and I watched as water was gathered in the middle of the circle. A thick mist appeared inside the circle and I watched as it darkened and formed a storm cloud.

Tucker ran into the house and came back out with a jar. He gently scooped up the cloud and closed the lid. To my amazement, the cloud remained and even thundered a little before letting out a small bolt of electricity.

"Remarkable..." Tucker mused.

For the next few weeks, he spent all of his time training me. I saw him pull out a notebook and scribble something down more than once. It was unnerving, but I had to keep up the act. I always slept with Maggie and never left my door unlocked at night. What food he gave me, I ate very little of it and gave the rest to Maggie and Alexander when he wasnt looking.

I saw Ed and Al a few times over the course of my stay, but they mainly spent their time in the library and hardly came out. The few times that they did, they were playing with Nina. I wanted to go to, just to say hi, but tucker would dump a last minute homework asignment on me to keep me inside. It was paperwork in the mornings and afternoon, then physical training in the evenings and late into the night.

Time was passing quickly and I still didnt have a plan of acion. I had spent the last two nights navigating the mansion, inspecting every nook and cranny so I knew where to run if I had to. Tucker caught me once and I played it off as sleep walking, he didnt believe me at first but I explained to him that it's been happening since my dad died, which was a lie.

The day finally came when Tucker would go over the edge. I had a plan to sneak Nina out of the house while he was asleep and run to HQ where she would be safe, but it didnt go according to plan.

I held a sleeping Nina in my arms and crept through the halls, Maggie and Alexander followed close behind me. Maggie stopped and started growling at a closed door and I realized too late what was happening. Out of nowhere, the floor glowed a light blue and bars shot up around me, cageing me inside with Nina and Alexander.

Tucker was holding a gun and pointed it at me. Maggie jumped at him and bit his arm. Tucker screamed in pain and flung her into the wall with a crack. I screamed her name as tears ran down my face. She was the only family I had left in the world and I begged him not to hurt her.

Tucker smirked and pointed the gun at me again. "If you run, I'll shoot." He threatened.

I complied and he ordered me to carry Nina down tot he basement level of the mansion where his workshop was. I tried to protest and screamed at him to let us go, that Nina was his daughter and not to hurt her. I set her down gently on the floor and turned over, smiling in her sleep.

"Use me instead!" I begged. "Please!"

Tucker seemed to think about my offer for a moment then laughed. "No. You are much to precious to use for something like this. I need to save you for later." He cackled.

I was on my knees next to Nina. I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and told her I was sorry. She held my hand in hers and nuzzled her face into my palm.


It felt like my heart was just stabbed. I wasnt going to let this happen without a fight. I jumped to my feet and clapped my hands together which suprised Tucker. I glared at him, fury burning in my eyes.

"Let. Us. Go."

"Or what?" He smirked.

I pushed my palms outward, launching a bolt of electricity near his feet, creating a loud boom. Nina stired in her sleep, but otherwise remained.

"Or I'll roast you alive."

He stepped towards me and as I let out another warning shot, he pulled the trigger. The bullet tore through my shoulder and collapsed to the ground, the bolt of lightning missing and shattering an empty jar on the shelf.

The pain was imense. I screamed and clutched my shoulder, trying desperatly to stop the blood flow. Nina awoke and when her innocent eyes landed on me, she rushed to my side.

"Sissy! Sissy what happened!?" She shrieked.

"Nina... Run!"I shouted.

The last thing I saw was her being picked up by her hair and Alexander growling at him.

Tragedy of the heart FMABOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant