Chapter 2: Just A Normal Sewer Day :)

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Today was the day where they would meet at the sewers and stay there for the whole day. The loser club would often do these sort of days 3 times a week, sometimes (very often) 2. (only if Eddie didn't want to because "there is too much grey water"). This week was the week where they only went 2 days, only because Eddie kept on complaining about how much grey water there was, and how richie splashed him with a bunch of grey water last time, but Eddie forgived him for that. "Pack food Stan" Richie bellowed. Stan has never packed before, so he didn't know what the fuck he was doing."Where are the gloves Richie?" Stan asked and- "Stan I said get the food, plus we don't need gloves, isn't that right eddie!" Richie waited for an answer and got.. "umm.. y-yeah, we don't need any gloves I guess" Eddie really wanted to pack all of his medical supplies, but he had too much of them, so he brought his fanny pack, followed by his second fanny pack.

When they finished packing, they all went on their own bikes and rode to the sewers, but as Eddie called it, "the infection tunnel". Down all the hills, past the kissing bridge, and through some trees they went, and they were finally at the sewers. Richie went in first because
1: he was the "bravest" &
2: he wanted to impress Eddie and show him that he is "brave".
Richie saw a stick and picked it up, getting ready to pull a prank on Eddie, while Eddie was standing out side of the infection tunnel. "You c-coming in E-Eddie?" Stuttering Bill asked.. "No Bill! It's filled with grey water!" Eddie cried out! "What the fuck is grey water?" Richie was so curious and got.. "it's basically just straight up, piss and shit!" Eddie answered, and had an asthma attack. Eddie got out his asthma puffer and had 4 puffs. Let's just say.. Eddie HATED the sewers.

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