Chapter 4: I Think Im Catching Feeling

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"This night is so magical Richie, all the stars are amazing, and we are talking about everything we wished to! I hope we can do this again sometime, I really hope so!" Eddie and Richie we're still laying on the grass, it was around 2am now, and they were still there. "Come on Eddie, wanna have a sleepover at mine? Mrs.k wouldn't be so happy if she heard you stomp through the front door at 2am in the morning!" Eddie agreed, so they both rode there bikes back to Richie's place. Richie slept on the floor, while Eddie slept in the bed. "Richie, I'm still cold, i know there is seven blankets on the bed... ...but I'm still so cold!" Eddie was shivering and shaking, so Richie gave him his lucky jumper (also a huge bear hug) to put on him. Richie had this jumper ever since he was born, it was ment to be for when he was around 16 (so it could fit him), but he wanted to give it to Eddie.

Eddie felt way warmer, but he was wondering something. Something he has been hiding for a while, from everyone. Eddie had a crush on Richie. Eddie knew it wasn't right, but he couldn't stop the thought. Richie and him had been friends for around a year now, but they would always go out side with each other at night, and gaze up at the stars, talking about there life's. Eddie was so small, that when he was wearing Richie's lucky jumper, that it was like he was in a bag! But Eddie was also thinking... does Richie have a crush on him?...

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