Chapter 3: After The Sewers

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Everyone had a great time at the sewers that day (except for Eddie, he still thinks he is sick!). And that night, it was the same as the other nights, it was just Richie and Eddie, laying on the fresh, green grass, gazing up at the stars. This happened nearly every night (except the nights that Ben won't leave them alone), and when it did happened, Eddie felt, special and warm inside, he was grateful to have a great friend like Richie, but Richie felt different. A good different, but a weird different. Eddie was basically the only one who understood Richie. They would hide nothing from each other,except one thing. Richie had a secret that he had told only his mum (she didn't care one bit, which made Richie sad, and to tear up), but Richie would always go home and thinks that he has some -what feelings for Eddie. Now Richie didn't tell Eddie this because he knew Eddie so well, and he knew that Eddie would be on shock, also scared. Eddie on the other hand, kept one secret from him aswell. Eddie was too scared to tell Mrs.k, but he wrote it in his dairy. "Look at the stars richie! Aren't they sparkly, and amazing!?" Eddie kept on talking about how beautiful the stars looked.

Richie was listening to every single word that came out of eddie's mouth in delight. "Now Richie! Do you know any constellations?" Eddie asked Richie in excitement. "What are constel things?" Richie had no clue what Eddie was talking about. Eddie was still laying on the green grass with richie, telling him all about constellations. They lay ed there till 12am, talking about life, and constellations. They had the best time in there life's, just them to, spending some quality time together.

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