Chapter one/Part two

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Part 5

[Kasai Nation council arguing with the Water Isle Nation Representatives']

Councillor: " may i introduce someone to the floor, Grand Council."

Grand council: "(council members) you may."

Councillor: "It's with great honor to introduce the Kira family."

[The Kira's walk in, Hanta doesn't understand his family's connection with the grand council]

High councillor: "Is this boy you have been speaking about councillor."

Councillor: "Yes sir, but may i speak.(council members nod yes) the boy has been kept in the dark of all matters relating to any incident relating to the breakout also doesn't know any of this connection."

High councillor: "Its doesn't matter Councillor with his enlistment and with his gift the Reapers will be given reason to join us so we can minimize casualties within our borders"

Hanta: "Hold on, I'm no special warrior, and you are willing to send a teen to fight your battles for the good of the Nation."

High councillor: "Boy, silence. You don't realize your importance, but only your grandfather is needed for this meeting, your grandfather insisted you be here. So listen boy."

Hanta: "No, (Hanta walk in the center of the Grand Council) your basically ordering me to fight in war, that's not right. I have a life I want to live."

High councillor: "Boy, I said silence. Whining like a child will not help your situation. And besides you are not ordinary, once you begin military training you will know your full capability."

Hanta: "Yeah I am a boy, but a boy, you want to send to war, against my will not be a soldier."

High Councillor: "Your defiance is quite admirable but as a citizen of Kasai Nation you can be drafted in state emergency"

Hanta: "What? But that doesn't make sense when you're only drafting me."

High Councillor: "The decision is made and you will fight"

[Hanta runs out of the council room in anger]

Old man: "High Councillor you have no idea what you've done, making him so emotional can be very dangerous with being the gift."

High Councillor: "Kira don't question my actions when you made the deal for the Kasai protection -"

Old man: "Enough! I know the deal i made"

[Old man clutching his fist]

Councillor: "High Councillor, these are very fragile times, if we go through with this by going behind the Reaper's there might be consequences that we are not prepared for."

High Councillor: "Enough! we'll be in recess until further notice."

[From across the street from the Council center the elite Boreas huntress is listening to the grand council meeting]

Boreas Huntress: (on the phone) "sir, it seems our intelligence was on the mark."

Boreas Elite Commander: "Hm, alright these are your next order from command retrieve the boy by any means."

Boreas Huntress: "Sir, you think that wise. Since the boy well under surveillance by the Kasai"

Boreas Elite Commander: "That's what our superiors have decided on so carry those orders out."

Boreas Huntress: "Of course sir, I just want to acknowledge the risks of confronting the boy without a plan of escape incase of the Kasai's special forces."

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